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Re: My self-esteem is at stake!!!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Kittyglitter Views: 1,632
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 258,142

Re: My self-esteem is at stake!!!

I've been fighting with my cravings for a bit now and here's how I've gotten through: Drink a large amount of water, large enough until your tummy feels full. I like room temp water better than cold because I can get more of it in without making myself cold. Then, once your tummy is full you'll know the craving is mental. Listen to your tummy which is saying "all full!" and actively tell your brain "we're full now." Consider why you want to eat. Is it social? Is it easy enough to stick a finger in the soup or take a bite of that sandwich? What can one bite do...?

Plenty! It'll kickstart your hunger! Remind yourself that if you cheat, it'll only take longer for the craving to go away. Don't try to convince yourself you hate the food, just remind yourself that you're investing in YOU and investing is hard. Ever tried saving a large sum of money? Same thing.

And above all: Are you straining your lemonade?


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