Re: people eat crap because
what a great which there are many answers. Security ,first comes to mind.
The 'feel good' reason is rational, though it is scary to think of the self destructive behavior of chowing down on garbage'.
Food for me was a comfort thing. I 'loved' to eat. I have since fallen out of love and adjusted my perspective on the matter. I don't let food rule my life anymore.
It was not an easy thing to do, and reading some the posts on this forum confirm that I am not alone. People are constantly looking for shortcuts, figuring out the absolute soonest they can end so they can get back to drinking and their normal life, easier,more 'convenient' ways to do the cleanse as not to interfere or be a burden...
My last 45 day cleanse I had distinct goals. One was to get past the point completely of any hunger ,cravings or urges to cheat. I learned to laugh off the hunger pangs, not be inamored w/the aromas, and be totally content w/ following the rule book of the MC. I did everything by the book. My reward was freedom and more self confidence than I've ever had. I have carried the confidence and control post cleanse and still practice self control.
I have learned that the bottom line is that most of us are slaves to our whims. I refuse to be a slave to anything. I look on this forum and see the difficulties folks have just going 3's all in the mind. If your stomach growls,then drink a lemonade...follow the program, quit wallowing in the urges and whims. Gain control by developing the right habits.
Ask yourself why you do things and truly seek the answers...most of the time it is scary to delve into places you don't want to go. Yet the answers are there if you can get past the fear...