Re: 4 day Juice Cleanse
> Just completed Schulze's 5 day cleanse. Did the Kidney bladder one. I also did not do an initial day of raw foods as my colon is clean! Jumped right in and juiced for 4 days in addition to KB tea, KB formula and D-Tox formula (strong).
> Its easy. By day four I felt really good. So good physically that if I had to I could do longer but socially the pull is strong. ie, i have dinner plans Saturday night.
> Things i noticed: Glands are all extremely small now. Smallest I can recall. I have glands that are usually 'up' behind my ear and they are not 'feelable'. I could really see were this cleanse would be great for a sick individual over a longer period of time.
> b)My hair is still short! Lack of protein = no growing (and i shave my head weekly). Great effect if you have a hormone based disease - breast/prostate cancer.
> All in all - so glad I did it. Proud of myself and enjoying the raw diet today.
> Have a great weekend!
> _BOB
Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing the info.
I did the "Master Cleanse" for three days recently and I also noticed a reduction in my glands! I was so excited about this. I try to skin brush regularly too, but that takes a long time to get results.
I just got Shulze's IF 1 and IF 2. The "Get Well" tape that came with my order was really good....and motivational.
I'm considering another 7-day fast, based on Jensen's program, although I'm not sure I need this after IF 1 and 2. I do know I need a kidney cleanse...sometimes I can "feel" my kidneys being over worked. I drink tons of filtered water.
What do you mean by "Lack of protein = no growing (and i shave my head weekly). Great effect if you have a hormone based disease - breast/prostate cancer."
I'm doing my 2nd liver cleanse is fun to learn so much about your own body!
Unfortunately, my mom's bypass surgery is scheduled for Thursday. I know I can't tell her everything to do, but I hope to share some info that will help her clear those arteries that aren't getting replaced.