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Re: Day 1 and not sure if I can do this/ This worked for me!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

knbrent Views: 1,129
Published: 19 y
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Re: Day 1 and not sure if I can do this/ This worked for me!

Try liquimax vitamins you can it at costco’s for $12.99 it tastes really good, 100% complete nutrition fruit flavored yum! I just don’t believe you get your full nutrients from this cleanse. Instead of all that syrup I mix 1 tsp of vitamins and 1 tsp syrup for 6 glasses and it works out just fine. I’m not hungry and do not feel like fainting!!! I know it says in the book do not add any supplements or minerals but if your not getting them, it sounds like your not then try it. I’m doing this cleanse with a breeze now. Before I wasn’t, I felt like I would literally die on day 1 being 65 pounds overweight and all. I'm losing 1 ½ pounds a day . So try it before you quit! I would highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about quitting. The vitamins work big time look at your nutritional facts on your lemons and maple syrup. You might not be taken in enough vitamins(I know I wasn’t) I’m still doing everything else and the detoxing process is going smoothly if you know what I mean! Take care I hope you make it through...........

P.s I do not think they hurt, mainly help!



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