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Day 8 & whopper yeast infection
mossystangle Views: 3,196
Published: 19 y

Day 8 & whopper yeast infection

I just noticed this evening that I've come down with a whopper yeast infection (this is the 'Mossy' side of 'mossytangle,' my wife 'Tangle' is the one who usually posts.) I worry often about having Candida, since I've got some intestinal problems and usually have a slightly spotty tongue. Is doing The Master Cleanse giving the candida a chance to once and for all take complete control over my body!? Last night I did a Epsom Salt bath, and I was thinking that maybe that drew some spores up through my tissues, hence the jock-itch, but Tangle poo-pooed that notion as being a bit far-fetched. I want to go to day ten, but I'm concerned that my new maple syrup mono-diet is transforming me into Mr. Walking Candida. Kinda like in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Soon the Candida will be steering my actions. Seriously though, what do ya'll think?

Also, doesn't the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) rid my intestines of flora? Hence, no good guys to protect me. I also wanted to weigh in on the SWF... I LOVE it. I've read so many posts against it, and I can certainly see why someone might not like it, but to me A) I just pretend it's soup broth, and B) WHAM, that sucker cleans you out! None of this sitting around hoping something will happen. It makes me feel really awsome, truly in control, to know that I have this excellent tool at my disposal with which to completely flush out my system from tip to tail. SWF, I love you!



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