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Re: Skeptical
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Re: Skeptical

> I have Gallstones and have had several attacks recently. I would like to believe these flushes work but I am very skeptical. What
> solid scientific evidence is there to back up your claims? How do
> you respond to Doctors that say these are not Gallstones but "simply soft complexes of mineral, olive oil and lemon juice produced within the digestive tract."? Make me believe!


How many times did your doctor actually do this cleanse?
And how many people does he know who did it?
I expect an answer. I am serious.

Please ask him. I would like to know on what kind of evidence and clinical experience or lab anlyses he bases his opinion that stones are "simply soft complexes of mineral, olive oil and lemon juice produced within the digestive tract."?

I may as well answer to this question :-)

You will find 1 doctor in 1000 (in USA) who actually did this cleanse himself.

And 1 in 10 000 or 1 in 50 000 who have clinical experience with flush.

Why do you expect an answer from people(doctors) who have NO experience with this cleanse?

I would be very sceptical to any opinion I get from someone who have no experience with liver flush.

If you want to find medical professional who may have some experience with liver cleanse, then try to look for naturopath, homeopath, chiropractor or someone practicing herbal or other forsm of traditional medicine.

Doctors (most of them) know NOTHING about flush.

They have been told "a lie" about it, and that is all they believe.
Then, they impose their beliefs on you.
Then you think you are skeptical. Are you really skeptical, or do you prefer to trust to your doctor?

Doctors (most of them) don't even know that intrahepatic stones exist.
Why? Because medical Science is often shaped by the interests of pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical industry have no interest in doctors learning abot liver stones .
We are talking about billions of dollars.
Imagine billion dollar industry of "GOLD BLADDER" removal dissappears?
Imagine how many surgeons would loose their job?
Imagine how many insurance companies would loose their custommers?
Do I have to tell you more?

Take a look at Image Gallery on this web site and you will see photos of gallbladders, gallstones, intrahepatic stones, and stones extracted by flush.

I did flush approx 10 times. It made me very healthy.
I know over 500 people who did it. It made them healthy.
Do you think people would be repeating this flush, if they think it is worthless?

How can you compare your doctor's opinion (based on 0 experience) on flush with my opinion?

But, I have nothing to sell for you. Sorry.

While your doctor and the whole medical industry have a lot to loose, I don't gain anything if you do flush.

Can you compare our interests?

Now you know why am I sceptical :-)

If you yourself have no interest in learning and trying flush, then why would I waste my time in trying to convince you?

Give me one good reason?

If what you find on this web site is not enough for you, then I wish you the best of luck with surgery!

So many people opt for surgery (500 000 in US every year), so why not you. Majority of them feel OK after. At least 250 000 people feel ok after.

How can you know what it feels like after surgery, unles you try it?

Make yourself believe. The only way for you to know if flush is good for you, is to try it. Nobody knows if it is good for you, before you try it. I can't read future. I can't tell you it is good for you. Click here!!!

I was also sceptical 6 years ago. It is good to be sceptical. It can be very healthy.

I am always sceptical to any statement that I get from a medical doctor.

I learned that 50% of what they say could be ..true.

"Smart is believing only half of what you hear,
brilliant is knowing which half to believe."

Best of health


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