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Re: Chewwing Gum? Teas to drink?

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y
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Re: Chewwing Gum? Teas to drink?

When you actually look forward to the lemonade , the swf and the lax tea, that is when the Master-Cleanse is really working. It's not all about loosing weight and/or cleansing the's primarily the detoxing of the mind that is the most important factor
for me...mastering one's self. 'Eliminating' the 'auto pilot' habits that had taken
control of my life. No one said it would be easy, and there are sacrifices. You just need to come to terms with yourself and decide if you want to do this or not.

No gum, it fakes out the digestive system and actually starts it. Gets the juices flowing,literally. NO NO, can be extremely damaging on a fast/cleanse/diet of any kind.

When you don't have to cheat, or look for shortcuts or little things to replace the void you will be on the road to success. There is no void in the long run. I hope you get to that place, yet won't wish you luck...there is no 'luck' involved! It's all up to you...

If you need something to look forward to, here is something that works for me. So simple most shrug it off . I envision and actually see my self at the end of the cleanse(or whatever it is I am wanting to achieve). I 'feel' what it is like to succeed, I experience the sensation of what it is like to be 30 pounds lighter. I hear my self sharing how I went 45 days and how wonderful,proud,happy,content and satisfied I feel. works. Be the Director of the 'movies' of your mind.

With every stick of gum, with every latte, with every motion that sabatages your success ,you envision failure and setting yourself up for it.

It takes a centered, willing, positive, courageous,convicted,persistant person to do the MC. If you aren't that person you can be...The forumla/plan/prescription allows it all to happen and be realized. Stick to the program. If you can't then you need to evaluate your weaknesses and address them .

I started with short fasts and they got easier. I got more powerful. My last was 45 days. It was a cake walk. Don't look at it as a challenge. Look at the issues in your mind that are challenging you.

Just my works for me, and I am no different or better than anyone.



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