Re: Life-n-Light-n-Learn...
I usually do the prep as well and have never had any bad experiences when I do. Fortunately, I'm pretty healthy anyway, though after my last cleanse, when at 41 days I was passing some 'slimey ropes' I'm actually looking forward to another 30 in a few months. Thinking of a juice 'fast' although we've been informed that we shouldn't call that a 'fast' ,BUT a 'diet'. I guess Breatharians are ingesting ,too.
You know me LnL, and I want to tell you that was an exceptional post. Perhaps it could be made into a cartoon to be more paletable and absorbed. Yeah,that's it, Homer Simpson could narrate...or maybe Keifer Sutherland..."Hi I'm Jack Bauer, and
sometimes I get constipated..." or the Muppets , that 'Vampire' guy..." Gooood
Evening, I vant to dlink your lemonade..." Ok...enough...
I'm actually making a batch of 'THE' soup...
Hey everybody...HONK if you read it!