saying good-bye after 9 days
Bye everybody for now - you're all fabulous and an inspiration. I think this time I have to stop earlier than I planned. I have an autoimmune disease, have had various diseases from living in the amazon jungle, and have had many kinds of parasites, amoebas, etc., as well as been on
Antibiotics over 30+ times. (even tho I'm only 31 -that's a lot, huh?)
So this
Master-Cleanse was a lot more difficult than the last 11-dayer that I did last year - I must be into another layer of healing. Just being light-headed (almost blacked out again today) and being so weak muscularly is telling me that's good for this time. I'll start again soon, but I think maybe in shorter bursts, 2 or 3 days at a time is better for me, and then one bigger one each spring.
Has anybody tried very short MCs with any good results (2, 3 days) or am I kidding myself?