Re: illness
> I'm just so frustrated. 2 years ago I was in tip top shape. I was very athletic, strong then I moved to Indiana and literally fell
> apart. I have come down with asthma which I just can not understand.
> I never had lung disease or allergies .
> Well, needless to say my quack in getting on my nerves and is absolutly no help other than killing what self esteem I have by giving me more drugs.
> Question: do herbal remedies work for asthma?
> April
I would get off milk for a month. Take very hot and then ice-cold alternating showers. I use 1-minute hot, then 1-minute cold, for 15 minutes. Eat lots of spicy foods - cayenne etc. (Not capsules).
And you can try the herb lobelia in very low doses, throughout the day. I take 5-10 drops 3x. You can get it from Schulze or Christopher. 800-herbdoc for lobelia tincture or