My food bill ran about $90 a week and it is still way cheaper than eating food!
I only lost 13 pounds in 17 days. (actually 13 days) I didn't lose any weight the 4 days I was sick before I quit the fast for (SOUP) substance to re-build my immune system.
When I restart my next MC... I am ALSO going to cut back to 1 cup or maybe less, for the big batch instead of 1 & 1/2 cups. I had to use the grade A for nearly two weeks and the one grade B I bought was toooo sweet and thick and I didn't lose a pound for thoes couple of days before I quit.
I have over 4 gallons of the GRADE B now, for the next Master-Cleanse after I get well.
I have at least 90 more pounds to go. I gained back 3 of the thirteen pounds I lost but I am holding at the 10 pounds lost.
Mayeb I did not get enough nutrients from the GRADE A for almost two weeks and that's why I got sick... I dunno... but I did.