> Why do I need 2-5 times the vitamins and minerals that my body needs?
> Isn't that overdosing? I want to try superfood, but don't want to overdose on Vitamins and minerals...
Many nutritionists believe the USRDA is too low for vitamins. Also because you are taking chelated "bed pan bullets" you might want to check youre stools, and you will be in for a small suprise. Personally I have taken superfoods over "bed pan bullets" ( which are not made from plants, at least I haven't found any that are.) and find them superior in everyway. There are many people that believe that you can force you body to accept non food source vitamins(thus chealated... vitamins with added enzymes so you can digest them) and get the same benefit as if you were eating nutritious foods. As long as you are not taking excessive amounts of superfoods you should be just fine. For example would you worry about eating too many strawberrys I dont think so, is there a side effect of taking too many strawberrys? Well you might get sick of them and refuse to eat them for a couple years. The difference with superfoods such as spirulina , wheat grass etc is that they are packed with vitamins and therefoe you need only a small amount to satisfy your daily requirements.