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Re: No pain solution ?
  Views: 2,111
Published: 23 y
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Re: No pain solution ?

> I've recently had two Gallstone attacks both left me in hospital, I,m willing to try this cleanse, but how is the killing pain I endured for 5 hrs avoided ?

Most people manage to control pain by controling diet, and by increasing water, unrefined salt and unrefined oil consumption.

There are also things to do, other then flush, for your pain.

To treat acute pain, take 1 tbsp of Epsom Salt deluted in on cup of water, immediately.

Drink a lot of water, and eat good amount of unrefined salt.

Continue with daily program:

1. Water Cure , daily
2. 1 tea-spoon Epsom Salt with water, daily until birth
3. Olive oil, 1 -3 tbsp with lemon juice, daily
4. flaxseed oil + cottage cheese blend daily
5. walking barefoot on marbles (or stone beach), daily reflexotherpy
6. Take "lecithin", around 2400 to 4800 mg of lecithin a day. Take two in the morning and two in the evening with one or more 500 mg of "taurine" taken anytime. These help to keep the cholesterol suspended, or emulsified.
7. castor oil packs

This program is usualy enough to prevent pain.

> If the epson salts prevents this, why doesn't my GP or hospital offer this as a treatment during an attack ?

Ask them. I don't know.

Most likely, beacuse they don't know about it.
I guess because it is not main stream medicine.
Why don't they cure people from cancer, or aids, but prefere to kill them with toxic treatments ? Because they are not allowed to practise safe treatments.
Read more about medical fraud in article section of this web site.

> If massive stones can be passed, how ? the bile ducts according to all my text books are only a few millimeters in diameter.

> Interesting site, i'm glad I found it.
> Sam

Sam, welcome.

If you measure anus, you will find out that it is closed, not even one milimeter.

But, people get out excremets over 1 inch in diameter (sometimes even 2 inch).

How ?

You know that cervix is just few millimeters in diameter.

But, when you were baby, your head (that was at least 100 millimeters in diameter) passed through your mother's 2 mm cervix.

Cervix streatched itself 30 - 50 times.

How ?

If cervix can streatche itself 30 - 50 times, why is it hard to picture bile ducts stratching itself 10 times ?

How ?

I don't know :-)
May just be very elastic tissue.

Many people reported passing stones as big as golf balls.
Even children.

Read posts on Asthma forum.
No pain reported. Unfortunately, I have no photos.

Between photos on this web site, you will find stones as big as 20 milimeters in diameter, passed by adults. No pain reported.

No pain reported even when those stones were passing out through anus :-)



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