I did not come off of the MCF, due to the Holidays, so I really don't want to bring up all that happened again, I am back to eating right and am going to do the MCF again for diabetics and will let you know what happens.
I was in a lot of pain after Christmas, I blame that on eating avoids from my Blood Type Diet . It took two weeks using the cane sometimes, just got away from it again this week. I ate corn and rice & beans (which were avoids) Had turkey, cranberries(not good for diabetics) pecan pie, and jellopretzel dessert. (so I had wheat to (in the pretzels (just realized that). I ate dried fruit & nut balls coated in milk chocolate. So of course, my system was a big ugh! Oh well brought it up anyways, maybe this way I'll remember what I did wrong and not repeat it.
Best to you and Carlos