Me too Roni, I'm not hungry but I can really go for , pizza, grilled steak, Sem's raw milk, or even flaxseed bread and hummus (mind craving is all over the place). However I know, ohhhh I know that I would feel soo bad that I could not complete this journey. I also know that when its over I am going to enjoy my life and the food I eat so much better. I also have to wonder if I'm not hungry why do I want to eat, whats going on with me as to give me a craving for food. I got some good news at work today, so now I want to celebrate with food. However why not just hold off and have two celebrations, one for a nice new clean body and another accomplishment. FOOD IS NOT THE ANSWER for me now, ITS ALL IN MY MIND!!!!!!!! Im okay now , whew. its so good to rant. I can do this, I can do this