Re: Question for rhe Experienced
If you are experiencing chronic constipation and have made it this far in the cleanse you are doing good. Adding B&P shakes would not be appropriate for you and could be pushing your luck. Your system sounds like it could use the less dramatic approach and the B&P binds the nutrition and would also bind the cayenne which will do much to heal the colon and intestines. Also, from the experience of someone who lived where I do, who had serious constipation but did the B&P shakes, she was miserable and made off of us miserable too as she more or less developed concrete bowel movements. She tossed in all in there...MC, flax, B&P. She became desparate to move anything and definitely the B&P shakes were one of the first things to be stopped.
If you perservere and have a 21 day healing of your intestional tract, and if you are experiencing good/great bowel function, peristalis and such, you could proceed to a diet combined with the P&B shakes to further your effort. Be sure to consider the
Liver Flushing aspect of this cleanse too since that will also clean your "filter/liver" which has been processing the toxins from your blood which you are releasing during the MC.
Be happy, be well,