Re: Can i still use birth control pills?
I think you can. It's up to you as to how you do this fast, ultimately. While purists go off of everything (and they don't start a fast until they strategically wean themselves off of the drugs), I also know some who consider cleansing a relative thing and will still, for example, take advil when they happen to get a headache.
A pure
Master-Cleanse is by the book, which means, I believe, no pills where possible.
I've never heard of any harm being done by going off the pill cold turkey and then going back on, but I'm not a doctor. There can be serious problems if you go cold turkey off of prescription drugs...I've seen it...bad news. I don't know if the same applies for oral contraceptives.
If you want to go off of the pill for the time, why don't you ask your doctor what the effects could be?