Varicose Veins
In Japan, the Hospital that only uses Bee Products, clearly sees every human health ailment as "1" problem and as the 1 problem deteriorates, you can literally give way over 1,000+ different diagnosed names (thanks to medical seeking false glory).
Surely pre-world war 1, bee products prob would have cured all that could be cures.. otherwise from the dentist/drs/bombers/city water and the endless poisons that put in the air/water/foods---it takes more than just bee products.
The best cancer book, at the end of a huge book, suggest just cure scurvy and you can ignore the 400 page cancer book. In reality, that was prob the most truthful sentence ever printed.
I have yet to see that every health ailment starts with scurvy.
What is Varicose Veins? Simple: EXTREME SCURVY!
Many "hard" working women often plagued with fatty / bloated varicose legs.. even the most extreme obese people are just results of extreme scurvy--
all have extreme "constipation"---all stroke victims waiting..
It is amazing how long humans can live, with bodies that barely can function- there are thousands/millions that prove- no human can die, until their time is up. People with 1/2 a heart or 1 lung or even 1/2 of 1 lung can still live into their 90's----healthy people should easily look young into their second century, but when their time is up- they pass in their sleep.
No added days, but surely healthy days should be every goal of happy people!
Medical 100 years ago explained the heart as a valve / regulator and the bellows of the lungs and the muscles of the arteries / veins that enable blood to travel 20,000+ miles every 11 minutes..and surely no clock exist that can measure how fast every blood cells "responds" to the needs of the body---------today's medical never mentions the solar plexus...
THE BEST VIDEO PBS ever did was to record the last of the voo doo drs.....the dr explained the true voo doo child and how it takes a lifetime to control the power within the solar plexus......not only can the voo doo dr kill anyone by just touch if desired, he can just as easily cure with a touch......and he proved to PBS that he could inflame a full size news paper with out even touching it------
when asked, where do you obtain this powder---he explained every solar plexus in every human has the power to kill or heal-------chinese books that teach it----has 1 warning: Most students will accidentally kill them selves in the learning process. The voo doo dr explained that a stolen child must be trained from little up and take over 20 years to learn---similar to how most monks are given free as unwanted baby boys and their first 20 years is all "male" education..making some of the best natural "chiropractic" like drs on earth..
Extreme Varicose veins and most all diseases that took a lifetime to develop until the person is crippled, bedridden etc. they will die from their own constipation and likewise, their only cure has to deal with all the constipation has it is dissolved and expelled down and out the toilet and not up and out their skin.
The common theme of every extreme "crippling" disease is simple---the person never cared then and they do not care now..while those that like living, they will see answers and apply changes.
David Christopher for many years accepted phone calls from strangers for 3 minutes--he said I can tell anyone how to cure them selves within 3 minutes----anymore is just those people seeking to rob him of his time---so way back then, he said if you just want someone to talk to, then it cost $150.00 per hour and amazingly many did just that and they only liked talking and not doing--some would pay him 24 hrs a day to fly and come talk to them----Dr. Hulda Clark did similar, she hired people to talk to sick people and she paid them $75 an hour to answer the phone and the sick person paid $150 or more-----Dr. John R. Christopher believed such people only wished to rob you of your time, so you could not help those that really wanted help. He said when he would do house calls and even live with people until the loved one was healed---the loved one would curse him for bringing them off their death bed and then turn around and kill them selves---many figured out that such people are suicidal and spend their life seeking for socially acceptable forms of death------medical stepped up and filled that void---saying, we will give you poisons for your $$ and people lined up by the millions and all, socially and church acceptable death..
The problem with all the extreme diseases, they are all curable and the only person that can do it, is the patient and there lays the problem, the foundation of the incurable diseases.
The ISSUE with JAPAN BEE HOSPITAL--- humans, all humans require true fruit / berry vitamin C rich nutrients 3x every day for the entire lifetime and BEE PRODUCTS only lack 1 thing--- Vitamin "C"....while Royal Jelly has all the B's, usable hormones, nutrients----so surely 50% of the Japan Bee Hospital Cure-All had to be their patients diet.
To cure all the extreme diseases
1. Herbs for all the constipation issues
2. Herbs internally as food
3. Herbs applied to the skin for increased circulation
All tuned to correct scurvy..
Scurvy - free arteries would be eternal youth..Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. first book explained a group of men that look age 22 at age 250 and 90 years after he wrote that, drs are still visiting those people...Dr. Morton Walker wanted to visit them before he died and he tested them and he said he knew why the men look so young at age 250, they are heavy metal free, zero lead per the Data Lab test results-- their diet obeys nature, vitamin C rich berries/fruits...metal free cells..
Medical believes humans require foods rich in vitamin c, 3x every day for a lifetime...anything less and the circulation will pay the price, premature death.
People living too far away, where it gets colder than 65 degrees are all proof they lack nutrition...they adapted to all the none human foods....and day by day they rot before their eyes and desire to take the morphine highway home and great drs suggested that could be the worse mistake in their lifetime---to die with snake poison in your blood may not end so well......the best dead people book ever written comes from Vietnam ---an Oxford / Harvard Professors book from the 1800's and the last chapter is about their visit with a Oxford Professor that graduated in 1850 and mastered in dead people----those people that their body died....but they remain "stuck", often where they died---be there 1,000s of them in the battlefield, 1,000s of them in an abandoned hospital---dead people all over earth, maybe they out number the living?
Dead people the professor 1975 years ago was so friendly with, the dead people obeyed him, for an example that day, for 12 oxford / havard professors, they watched a dead person with no body---knit a sweater for the largest professor in the group and knitted his name in the sweater... basically colleges WAY BACK THEN, understood ALLOT! Many dead people screwed - up and paid the price after death and even far worse--today using endless new electronics to show and talk with death people--they prove that even "victims" of murder, can be stuck where they were killed....
William Branham was born in 1907, but he was written about / predicted - over 2,000 years ago to be a witness to world war 1 and 2------as a result, he had many gifts and one was that he said he could follow the voice of any human---back to a place he called The Regions...where he believed all people on earth---exist! He said they are either humans or demons...suggesting the bodies on earth are R/C and even the bible slightly suggest all humans are connected via the silver cord...and that life & earth is the manifestation of? Endless theories, but 1 fact is sure---colleges have been studying dead people for LONG over 175 years and they know DEAD PEOPLE!!! Today, channels like the Travel Channel and many others, specialize with shows dedicated to people with electronics that go to haunted areas all over earth, in every town on earth where dead people exist, often in large numbers...they may have been dead for hundreds of years....still stuck, where they died..
The old drs may have been wise to suggest you do not want to die with drugs flowing through the arteries...Branham may have explained why so many people just do not care about their body---evil always had 1 goal about earth---to destroy everything God ever created...
How can people year after year watch their legs swell to double their size and be covered in what is called varicose veins?
Where several hundred old people nearing 80's gather to watch southern baptist singers in their 60's----it is almost like entering the movie "THEY LIVE"....almost none appear to have any health left as though they are from another planet..