15 gram
The highest dosage of Royal Jelly is for the Neurodegenerative Diseases - MS / Parkinson / Polio / Anti-Depressive / Anti-Anxiety
10-15 gram daily for Long Term.
The same hospital that uses Royal Jelly for the new born through out life to the Neurodegenerative Diseases--
why? They see it is the "same" problem, the nutritional deficient diet.
The same large dosage for the beginning of the common cold---but for 3 days.
Royal Jelly ( an insect food ) is a great food, but so much more help exist from the herbal world...and as safe as Royal Jelly is, there are a few herbs equally safe.
Royal Jelly has no equal in the Vitamin B / Hormone Values---if your Royal Jelly is "real"---sadly it has been made synthetically since 1950.
The argument that the human body is an electromagnetic / Light being and as Light, Light is the treatment, has merit. Proper Light and Proper Magnet use can do wonders---but all the poisons that accumulated inside the body---requires purging----down the toilet, sweating, fever etc. the body forever trying to get rid of what was swallowed / absorbed.