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Image Embedded Trump Pauses all Funds to Ukraine – About Time!
turiya Views: 29
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Trump Pauses all Funds to Ukraine – About Time!

From Martin Armstrong's blog:
Posted Mar 3, 2025


I have been stating all along all of my sources say the same thing. Zelensky is just a puppet of the Neocons. I said I knew that Zelensky insisted upon meeting at the White House 5 days before. My sources told me the plan was to try to embarrass Trump, for they had all the media on their side and all the European leaders. Zelensky was all pumped up and thought he could turn the table on Trump and keep the money flowing.


Part of the reason I was told 2 days in advance was because they always send Boris Johnson to give Zelensky orders. He killed the peace deal that was on the table back then and that even made the front pages of the Ukrainian Press.


They also send in Boris to give the commands to Zelensky because he is not in office right now. I was told that he urgently flew to Ukraine to kill the signing of the mineral deal and to tell Zelensky to fly to Washington and insist on a meeting at the White House.

Trump has seen through this facade and now knows that Europe has been conspiring against him. Trump has now come out and cut off all aid to Ukraine and lets see the Europeans put their money where their mouths are behind the curtain, pulling the strings.

More @ Link.

Edited just now by turiya




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