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Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 17
Published: 6 h


Money is required to pay taxes and buy slave labor--

The "organized" have never paid taxes, nor ever been in need of $$$

Poor work for those with the gov $$$. Those with the free $ only need obey their master. Those that do not obey, are taxed, penalized for being successful.

The organized tend to be professional drunks, part of their religion. They worship a creature that was hung---they rewrite history so the slaves have no clue what they are worshiping. Rewriting history is the largest crime on the planet.

T------does what? Sales citizenship to the wealthy. How did the wealthy become wealthy? They worship the evil one, obeying the "organized"....this further destroys america by gathering evil people into 1 empire of evil. They soon will have a new master, they will all neal and worship it.

Jesus had a simple suggestion---give all the $$ back to the evil people and no longer be their slave---then the evil ones entered every country and their p----- created gov and papers saying we own 100% of all land and the oceans and the slave must pay us our fake $$ if they want permission from us to live..

The world was fine until 500 years ago when they created the first printing press that enabled them to lie about history---making satan their god.They had to kill the adults and raise the children in their orphanages and forced to read their faked history books-----500 years later 1/3 of the world worships satan----T---- has the idea of bringing in the most obedient, sale america to the obedient...all humans that have 5+ million in Gold $$ is proof they obey their master...

satan is easily recognized by the lies---T----- was never shot, no one was shot----watch T----- as he falls and applies his make up on his face----the blond directly behind him drops like a sack of rocks----100% of the people on stage that day--were organized actors...the fireman was fake--not 1 drop of blood---all fakes--live news showed it all--- they laugh at the ignorant.T--- 100% black mailed, instantly a woman closest to him stood and videoed him applying the makeup..

History is simple, ask your self why Jesus chose satan as 1 of his original 12 disciples? Judas the betrayer aka the devil made me do it--was hung on the cross as Jesus and God's Angels watched. The entire world had no problem with evil slaughtered on the cross for 1500 years---then the evil ones invented a printing press and made their master--the savior, just worship satan and be saved, have $$$, enjoy the world, enjoy evil.

Evil people rewrote history with their very first book to date--each president/news rewrites all their history making them gods..every school book based in lies. The internet and now AI the ultimate creation of evil. The destruction of reading and writing and just watch videos till your so dumb you do not night from day with all the vaccines/poisons/drugs altering your cells....and all children deformed, gmo, altered, sterile.

Look at pure evil how it hoards $$/power..and all evil people are black mailed in every town on earth. When 1 decides to not obey the group, they are dead that night...they all murder, poison as a group, proof to their master they are evil..

Every book is subject to be full of lies......when something makes no sense, it is probably an inserted lie..

1 simple thing easily seen is the Blond woman behind Trump---when Trump grabs his ear, instantly the blond behind him drops dead--plays dead. No one around her looks, they actually look anywhere but at here---same with the fake fireman to the upper far left---only 1 black man holds his head on his lap---no wife, no kids anywhere near him--it was all fake actors--all of it that day---scammers, every cop, all news, all the people on stage---all gov actors...the fake fireman and blond the only 2 people left on stage as cameras captured it all live until no one was left--just 2 fake dead people--no fbi, no ambulance, no doctors, no coroner, just 2 fake actors and both did not have 1 drop of blood on them, not 1 drop of blood on thre bleachers---

Those that believe what they were told and not what their eyes seen---those people have been brain washed and have no clue how bad off they are---they are the same brain washed that worship satan and have no clue they are doing it---they blindly believe, obey evil.

Jesus wrote that at the end, less than 30 people left on earth will Love God......that is what false education does, makes the slaves brain washed to believe/love evil,seek $$$

If a slave could wake up and understand who Judas was and why Jesus chose him as a disciple, they could begin to wake up.......the idea any army could kill Jesus is ridiculous.. Jesus and many of his friends are still alive today..Paul wrote a book on how he learned to Travel the planet at the speed of Light, how they knew all languages, including all animal languages...even a good hypnotist can make you speak any animal language fluently.

Brain washed via 500 years of false books is how evil people destroyed America it is a country of 100 million purchased slaves and the obedient that are served. A land of harvested babies..

Trump and his friends love Bitcoin-------a common hard working american born slave could work 48+ hours every week for life and never own 1 Bitcoin ever..that is their goal, 100% slavery as they worship evil.



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