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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 57
Published: 24 h


why the curezone can also be dangerous----

"Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Berberine
We are also using Povidine-Iodine eye/nasal/gargle/mouthwash
DMSO with injectable IVM applied topically whenever they show themselves. FenBen is not dissolvable in DMSO but can work if dissolved first in a bit of alcohol, then added to the DMSO.
DMSO 50%-100% used topically (skin sores, nasal, mouth) and orally (1 tblspn/day)."

Crazy stuff like this lures people away into a world of toxic substances that do harm.....

1 of the worse things Dr. Clark had in her books gave people the formula for lugol's iodine---chemical iodine does years of damage and easily causes harm to babies in the womb--and many very toxic methods....

the animal de-wormers are crazy for the simple fact they make the products toxic, so humans will not use them---same with animal lugol's iodine---added chemicals so they are toxic to humans...

with the good, comes the bad and that is what makes the entire internet dangerous...people often learn the hard way-----Hulda learned the hard way......toxic methods cause low red blood cell counts.



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