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MH 108 8 Views: 35
Published: 31 h


There are no cures, there is always "Reversal" of diseases!

THE 1 CURE, CURES ALL......the reversal of loss circulation

The problem has always been that the diseased refuses to reverse their disease.

Polio is a very real problem for many and also a very forbidden subject---so that subject in a paper only subject--nothing electronic.

Old order amish have a problem with polio for various reasons and all reasons are due to lack of education regardless who the people are world wide---victims are victims because they lacked the wisdom to avoid the traps known as diseases.

Normally advanced polio victims are hard to deal with and when they have no phone, no computer, no electric----it gets real difficult--------but a very rare man with lifelong polio, actually likes living and he is willing to self-experiment---he actually is using 5x more life wave patches than any normal human being would------and that is extremely rare to see someone try that.....and he feels enough difference that he loves them.............

When he hears of something that may help---he says YES, I want that!

When hearing about Royal Jelly for just 1 minute----he said YES, I want that!

By doing so, he opened a door and I am going to explain how he can reverse his lifelong polio and put it all on "paper" for him--- why waste the time? Because he has proven, he likes living. He is a hard worker, owns his own business and wants to live..

in theory, every parasite disease could be reverses and mist every disease involves parasites.



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