Re: Herbal Tea
Not long ago, a female model had little chance if she weighed more than 115# and she had to be tall- she had to look "perfect" health---no one wanted to look at skin and bones..
otherwise, male or female the weight is not much difference--it is based on height
Today they say she is a PEAR shaped Body or a APPLE shaped body ---which is all words for obese.
The child raised on corn syrup is said to be part chem child and not a true human.
No one can sale a healthy beef---the markets DEMAND vaccinated, hormone injected, corn raised FATTY BEEF for the same human breed----part human, part corn, lots of chemical and trillions of worms.
The goal of world war 1 was to destroy all the strong men, all the strong families with a vaccine---that killed 200 million, by late 40's many say at least 1 billion in africa alone--1 shot at a time, using monkey kidneys and by the 50's it was full blown Arial spraying oc aluminum/chemicals with lots and lots of shots as a baby..then 12 years of organized brain washing and topped off with health insurance to insure the slave took the cheap rout and allowed uniforms to choose if they live or die.
slim and fat as nothing to do with beauty---it has to do with sickness. All accumulations are rot and stink.....
1970's National Tv Show they showed the strongest man in America
He picked 1,400 pounds above his head, straight up and then pitched it (dropped it safely)
He was a black UCLA Professor, 6 foot 6 inches tall and he weighed 165# and YES--His ribs were all easily seen---the guy was THIN, skin and bones------when asked what he ate, he explained he lived on oranges.
I would not want to look as thin as he was, but he proved superior strength and health---many years later he was still picking up 600 pounds.
20# extra weight is healthier than being too thin
Too Thin People have a harder path to good health.
NERVE HEALTH and mental health determines the physical weight---the body will look like what the subconscious brain believes-----------you can easily say an obese family of little obese children is a "mental" sickness more than all else-- what mom / dad believes is what the children want to believe, to be, be like mom
mom lives on corn syrup and so will the family.. there is no such thing as healthy fat......for a human to be healthy after age 30 is not free, it takes work.
EVERY REAL FOOD, leads to a trim, slim body, because real foods do not accumulate....just eating live foods are cleansers and the weight will be what the brain believes-----
Healthy people have endurance
Sick people are tired
How many people have you ever seen WIN a running / walking / bicycle race that weighed over 165#???