Was wondering if anyone had a good idea for enclosing indoor shelving with insect exclusion netting. For years I've used a nylon material attached to metal shelving with binder clips. That works okay but the material doesn't last long, perhaps as long as a year, before becoming brittle and inevitably, somehow, small holes appear and fungus gnats just give me no end of trouble.
So thought much more expensive, I've re-considered going the screen mesh route though much more expensive. But I'm stuck on a mechanism for sealing a front closure closed so those pesky flies don't get in. They need _very_ little space to wiggle in (I know from years of experience. But just can't wrap my brain around working with a stiffer screen mesh material.
Binder clips and overlapping fabric just won't cut it, and DIY'ing anything with magnets is beyond my price range (I'd need earth magnets or something and I just can't afford it.