Seems very few people "understand" pH urine ans saliva testing results!
Nitric Acid Test results shows your success and insures your understanding your pH correctly!
I should have made a TEST Result Page along time ago---but, if you understand human health, all your $$ spent on testing is wasted, because "you" know and therefore need not test! You "Correct" your diet / habits and the only purpose of testing is to teach the younger ones---so they know.
Professional Testing is for the professionals to get an idea how bad off their patient is--but in reality, the basics of all their testing----is based on the "average" sick people, never about HEALTHY PEOPLE, HEALTHY TEST RESULTS!
Professional Testing---feeds the drug companies/surgeons and billions of $$ of testing the livestock every year..
Testing once understood---is so simple a first grader should understood it---next project, a small page about test results, because it is a tiny subject-- a subject I think most all do not understand--