Re: Intestine / Colon worms
a child can understand that
BUT, the worms they call lymes---every mammal on the planet has them at birth....
with humans they say 3 trillion at 150# and a person weighing more---has more.
3# of just those microscopic creatures in an average young adult----
always a problem---but a real problem when oxygen drops---the they create an enzyme to consume you, put you back in the dirt! JUST DOING THEIR JOB.....
drugs, poisons, rotting accumulated foods just increases the rot, lowers the oxygen.......
HERBS can do wonders! I have seen 2 drops a day for 30 days----total of just 60 drops.......then for 30 days with zero herbs, the skin opens up at various places and acids / fluids ooze out and you must keep it absorbed or the acids are so strong, they burn and scar your skin---
Those 60 drops are not coming out----ACIDS are being expelled---really strong the body dumps accumulated waste.
That is the extreme use of herbs, the opposite end is herbs for pregnant women and babies-----2 are KINGS
Real Wild Oregano Oil--safe for all creatures, plants and trees.
Olive Leaf--used correctly pregnant women can be herpes free before birth
NEVER EVER allow 3 trillion worms safe passage---make life hard for them! Have No Mercy, kill the microscopic bastards......
THE HERBS do not kill the parasites---they feed the blood and the blood must kill them, dissolve them and expel them out of the body--
HERBS are just FOODS, not poisons---poisons can only make health worse...