Jimmy gave away the canal for 1 good reason----"LIABILITY"
The canal is a really big amount of dirt that needed removed!
Back in those days when a farmer wanted to build a drain canal---they used dynamite to blow the dirt --UP and OUT!
Bigger the Canal, the more dynamite they needed...
drill a hole down- pack with explosive......that simple, large mines still use explosives....
my most highly educated teacher that traveled the world and developed 9+ of the most famous medical drugs---his very first gov job?
He was sent to the BIG CANAL to test the soil, the plants, the trees for nu____ residue---he said the entire canal was built with nu____ explosives---I guess that proved they could build such explosives in any size / shape they wanted back then---
Naturally, the dirt, the trees, the plants, the wild life and locals---all have traces..