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Re: The "orange"

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Re: The "orange"

When you read the old Royal Jelly Books, dating back to 1900, there was only 1 place on earth with any quantity. Take for example, North America----no one I know of could possibly have "quantity", last I noticed there were 2, 1 in Arizona of all places and 1 in Michigan--anyone been to Michigan, you know there are not millions of honey bees up there..While deserts have a few cactus flowers, I can not imagine allot of bees...and most of all, besides enormous amounts of bees, it takes the labor-----and that ends that subject for North America---no one going to have the huge labor that is required..

THIS is why every pre 1950 book states 100mg per human, per day---even the King's dog only got 50mg and the Royal Horses 500mg daily--I just gave my dogs a LARGE Spoon full, same as I take daily--by large, I mean a plastic spoon heaved up---grams! Enough that the king and queen would have choked on the idea that some "slave" dare consumed a large spoon of Freeze Dried Royal Jelly--

RAW ROYAL JELLY can be obtained from any large group of honey bee hives and for many many years man has special breed honey bees for special bees that produce higher quality and higher quantities than wild honey bees world wide---lava in each hive are given royal jelly for a few days and the bee keeper has to remove that lava, using a tiny spoon and scoop out the royal jelly and I assume that kills the lava--(and today some are freeze drying those lava)

So pre synthetic 1950, that is why 100mg was the suggested medical dosage that medical could prove worked...100mg of raw royal jelly is almost nothing!

Raw has 80% will slowly spoil once removed from the hive----

TODAY every body and their brother sales a Royal Jelly capsule, pill, liquid or freeze dried...from just about any and every country----can they have REAL Royal Jelly? SURE THEY CAN, but can they have tons of it? Surely Not! This is a JUST N TIME commercial world of standardized synthetics...and by 1950's the market had synthetic Royal Jelly.

Pre 1900 only 1 area was known for Royal Jelly--a mountain side town, community "area" known that every man, woman and child cared for honey bees-----the same gigantic area on earth where the country collected herbs from around the world and planted them in the correct climates and grow thousands and thousands of acres of herbs, fruits, berries; not just for their country, but for the entire world---with the largest facilities on earth, with all trained/skilled people-- they literally grow/make just about "everything"---years ago they had 70+ freeze dried fruit juice powders---they said those go into foods world wide as "additives" so the food at least has some value for health. They said the only herbs they do not grow/make are the Egyptian herbal oils, because they could not duplicate the correct climate and did not prefer to make essential oils by burying in the ground for years---I had just bought back suitcases of Egyptian Oils and fully understood that problem--otherwise they said they grow all the medical herbs.....

When I asked them if they could obtain Royal Jelly, they answered: The Heart Cure---I said yes! They said only 1 area has this and we -- having the world's largest freeze drying facilities on this planet---we are the people that make the Freeze Dried Royal Jelly. I said can I get some----it was shipped and taken at customs---not because it was a "bad" item, but because a valuable item---they explained this happens: when the employees see it---they steal it and that is it---can not do anything about it...

So that caused them to ship direct another 3,000 miles to an area, where customs are not such thieves and then shipped again..

LONG STORY short----the Royal Jelly Travels 14,000 miles before I get my hands on it...

I says--this is a very LIMITED SOURCE for the world and I asked how much can be made? They answered up to, 2 ton per month!

When you ask the internet AI thing how much Royal Jelly is consumed on earth yearly, it suggest 100+ tons.

I make a non educated estimate and choose to believe that make 80% sold on earth may be synthetic-----why would I say that?

Dr.Cass Ingram wrote that wild oregano oil was made / sold as a synthetic essential oil by 1928!

David Christopher of The School of Natural Healing 25 years ago told me that if anyone is buying cheap essential oils of any type in the USA, odds are, they are synthetics----all those tiny bottle companies---surely synthetics---made JUST N TIME for the commercial world.

I first made contact wit this gigantic company 15+ years ago asking about wormwood and worm seed, because it was impossible to obtain--then that lead to wild oregano oil---year after year I noticed the paper work that comes with each product, the wild oregano appeared that each time I ordered---the "Batch" seemed to be saying, they made this "just" for me! So I finally asked them ---are you making this wild oregano oil: JUST FOR ME EACH TIME????? They answered yes, you are the only human with interest! The entire commercial world demands JUST N TIME Synthetic essential oils and to us, that is a SIN, we do not make a single synthetic and we make over 1,500 medicines out drs use..

This company does not talk to or deal with individuals--the "only" reason many years ago I received an answer--was because 1 of their managers answered me and he wanted to know about life in my country--he was super friendly and would answer any question I had about herbs, essential oils etc, and he made a fatal mistake---I asked him to take pictures of their Wild Oregano Plants--he then called me, apologized and explained there will be no more orders and that he was fired for taking pictures and when they seen he had been communicating with me----a year went by and a new manager made contact and said they would sale to me, but answer no questions---but after years--he/she became friendly, answering general health questions----last year, he/she said I was the only human in North America they have contact with, otherwise they only deal with huge corporations only--he/she said they have 1 guy in Canada they have contact with, only because his dad was a real herbalist--but he/she said they do not like the kid, but they like me... and I know they do, because they go to extremes to help me---I am sure they never made a dime from me, the shipping is the killer...and Trump 8 years ago did his best to stop private people from importing--so they had to ship to one of their companies and then that company has to ship to me--otherwise Trump put a stop to little people obtaining such things---he said he did it to harm, but sales stuff for people world wide---his laws was to stop none corporation americans from importing--

So to answer your question, my freeze dried royal jelly comes from 14,000 miles away and they told me it comes from the 1 place on earth that specializes in it for well over 100 years...

I purchased every month-------and I take it and after a year, I noticed a slight difference in taste at different times of the year----this is because in the cold season, the collection comes from the more SOUTHERN area---just like in the USA, Bee keepers USE TO load up their bees and take to Florida for the winter orange I ASKED LAST YEAR----it seems logical to me, that the FALL COLLECTED Royal Jelly is THE BEST and I know this, because it has the CORRECT TASTE, while other times of the year---it taste milder! I said this must because the bees are the MOST HEALTHY at the end of the flower season and they answered YES------I asked, could you please "SAVE" me My Royal Jelly from that FALL HARVEST? Save me 4 orders each FALL? They were very pleased that I recognized this and gladly save for me---I can only obtain a certain weight each order---no matter what it is and they will never ship until the last order has arrived---so it takes time to obtain 4 orders...

THIS SAID----when you consider they process 1-2 tons max per month, for the world---I AM A SUPER PIG! Literally!

Some say Freeze Dried is 2-3x stronger than Fresh, because the freeze drier @ -80 takes the moisture down to 1% and that takes allot of Fresh to make 1 oz of freeze dried!\

BEFORE I ever bought ROYAL JELLY I asked this: I said---hey, here in the USA these small freeze dried will use HEAT to remove moisture first and then cold-----I said I do not want this Royal Jelly if any heat has been applied---they answered, our FREEZE DRIES are HUGE and use no heat and operate at -80 degrees. They said those small freeze driers can never obtain -80 degrees and they need to use heat first or it would take forever to achieve the finished product.

The Other cool thing is that their gigantic buildings are lined with these circular large globe shaped machines-----they are the ones that first made COLD PROCESSED ESSENTIAL OILS---before they had to steam distill them all and they said a few still must be steam distilled. COLD PROCESSED ESSENTIAL OILS just have to be superior !!!!! When steam distilling the herbs are subject to allot of heat to release those oils from the stems, barks, leaves----because of the Wild Oregano Oil being cold processed and not steam distilled----I have consumed more than Dr. Cass Ingram could have ever dreamed of---our standard dosage is maybe 50x what he suggested and when desired, that can be done every 15 minutes---I did that once with a Pregnant dog that went dumb---her entire body was in extreme pain--her legs went limp---it you just touched her head she would scream and the local vets said if your dog is not vaccinated and a PATIENT we can not see her!!!!!!!!!! I told my son his dog is same as dead---he said do what is possible----SO I squirted 5 times in her mouth, every 15 minutes-----each squirt surely has 50 drops or so of the same strength Dr. Cass used--what he sold as super strength... 5 hours later I could touch her legs and spoon feed her canned dog food---

NOTE: IF your dog can not eat canned dog food? Odds are it is just too late!

The Can food I added 1 full spoon Royal Jelly

Next Morning she could raise up on her front legs only----and I continued on mega dosages of Wild Oregano Oil! Canned Food / Royal Jelly!

That evening she was walking!

The Next day she would stand up on hind legs with front legs on her pen door-----

NEXT DAY she ran out and jumped intio the back of my kabota for a ride!

The Next Day she hadf 8 healthy puppies and has not had a health issue since then....

the problem she experienced the internet explained could happen to pregnant dogs---so rare I have never heard of it ever and no one I know said they ever knew a dog could have this---an amish guy that has 50 females told me he had never heard of such a illness in pregnant dogs......

THAT DOG consumed more Wild Oregano Oil in 5 days than most any adult in a lifetime would consume...

The problem with commercial essential oils---they are subject to being "synthetic" and not fit for internal (or any use) avid Christopher told me that is why all the essential oil authors always say external use only---because no one can tell a synthetic essential oil, from a real essential oil!


I would never want to have less than 200# of freeze dried Royal Jelly!

So all I could supply someone thinking like I think---I would be out of stock instantly-----

Selling Pure Royal Jelly is a LUXURY Food, way too good for kings and queens------

As a powder---we will take more than we need most likely---example: My standard Bottle is enough to last 1 human 16.5 years at the pre 1950 suggested daily dosage-----------that size bottle last me maybe 2 months and a bottle for my dogs.

I have 6 old chickens that still produce about 2 eggs daily--------I am waiting until they stop eggs 100% and then----THEY GET ROYAL JELLY! All the books swear old hens that do not lay eggs anymore, will lay again on Royal Jelly---I have to see that with my own eyes...........they also say, if you give them enough, you might even get 2 eggs per chicken! IF THAT HAPPENED I would flip out-----so not holding my breath for that one---

they also warn women that have went through menopause have became pregnant----that part I can believe! Old males having children again? Yup, I could believe that...if they all are taking spoon fulls...

the only logical solution was to Liquefy Royal Jelly into a Syrup / Tincture in a base of Olive Leaf, etc.
(Always Wild Oregano Oil)

Then the next step was that+, blended 50% with exotic / elaborate vitamin C rich berries-----

Then step 3 to ad more Extremely elaborate vitamin c rich berries from around the world----
Then that blend with the strongest vitamin c rich tree fluid and appy all that to skin only--
then if that does not kill me---then ad the most potent de-wormer/spices on earth and try that all on the skin
and see what happens...

Then the final step, will be to take the "step 3" and blend with what; I just call: The glue that holds humans together!
That glue can be made stick enough to stand a spoon up in--or less thick, could be applied on the skin---but the miracle is when consumed---but no one has ever consumed very much---except in the old days when given to race horses ---the trainer would take a spoon full----otherwise my 93 year old mom, she was a goner 3 years ago---chopped out much of her colon, luckily she was in Florida and the surgeon said he trained all of the american surgeons that can do this and he said you were so far gone that only I could have have saved you and if you live---you will be my oldest success case------she survived, had the bag cut off months later----been taking the LBB every day---she was in a wheel chair--arthritis horrible, knees, hips killing her, etc..LBB saved her guts, ROYAL JELLY got her out of the wheel chair, she used lots and lots of Bee Sting Cream and then a few months ago got her taking The body glue and then last Month on The Vitamin C Elixer (1/2 royal jelly/C berries)

She lives alone and must go accross the road to get her mail---I have a nice WIFI outdoot video color camera on her drive/road and watched her in her wheel chair go get her mail-----then she went to a push cart thing and the past 3 months, she just walks normal....this past week she washed all the curtains in her old 2 story house---removed all her flowers and washing her rugs....she loves her 2 obese little dogs......

She is ADDICTED to:




Cheap 2% milk by the gallons!

(I Did get her a water distiller last year)

Lives on SS and eats the cheapest, corn syrup foods there are!

If she goes out to eat? Mc Donald or Coronal Sanders Chicken.

She shops and drives anywhere she pleases today...

The LARGEST difference is when she started Royal Jelly every day...

Her and her 2 muts watch netflix and eat candy every evening----'

She came back from Sam's Wholesale a couple months ago with this huge sheet of white powdered doughnuts---I SAD WHAT??? She said she read on face book that sams had the best doughnuts for the $$

She is addicted to CORN SYRUP!

When I was a little kid, we had bottles of corn syrup and she made french toast allot and we covered it in corn syrup--

I had all mercury teeth by age 12 and group every winter, all winter when very young and sore throat all winter long until I got a job and lived on my own......

I am 100% certain if she had not taken LBB capsules, she would be dead, same with Royal Jelly--

as it is, she has so much corn syrup in her and yet---just 200 mg daily of the human glue---she walks better than she has in years..

The human glue is something I never knew existed and yet, race horses been using it for 90 years and today---they make it out of a plant, but highly secret and no book or internet says how they make it--other than it is vegan friendly now...

My chiropractor told me he owned race horses when he was younger and he said his trainer ate the stuff---so I have no fear of it now...and have high hopes for it---it is the mist bazaar and strange stuff I have ever seen...suppose to glue a mammal back together and let to run like a race horse in your old age---I am game for anything natural...

I never would have tried many things if it was not for the 30 Dr. Cass Ingram Books, he changed my life far mire than all other authors combined. I can make 90% of anything he ever wrote about---made my way!

Just a Hobby!

Read clues, eventually everything shown on the website---some of the rarest, mist elaborate may fall under the name "etc".



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