I am certain!
I am certain LifeWave
https://barefootherbalistmh.com/the-patches/ patches do not EXPIRE!
The ineventor/company/sales people all insist you pitch the patches daily and do not REUSE!
I have been se;f-experimenting for a year and I am 100% certain they do not die, because they were not alive to begin with and I am certain they do not EXPIRE!
YES, a brand new patch is a LUXORY, they cost $1.5-$3 each and used daily and 1 is essential, but 3 much better, but at 10???
At 10 they can have amazing results---I use over 10 every day---only my patches can be used daily and be months old...
When using 10+ every day---24hrs daily, I see "acids" pour out to the toilet-----literally the saliva / urine does not register because they expel that much acid-------
pH testing is only of value if you UNDERSTAND IT and based on what you are doing!
YOU WANT the ACIDS OUT and your test results will tell you how well your methods are working!
FAKE salt solutions will give to a false high pH test result----
Most every human has body INFLAMMATION--all loose fat is called FATINFLAMATION!
If we weigh 1 pound more than we should, we are full of acid -----obese people are all acid.
all bad foods are acid causing and they cause INFLAMMATION and inflamed fat cells swell with water/salts and just triple in size..