around 16 years ago a man had allot of "contact" with what he called a small, beautiful lady!
long story short--Nasa studied him and said WE KNOW you have been off planet!
OBAMA wanted his Picture with him!
The Pope liked her, because she told those in control--that someone was going to shoot him and that was avoided.
The generals, world leaders appear to believe him--for the past 15 years...
1 thing the man is known for, is he can have have UFO appear any night, anytime some one ask him to--his friend, the beautiful lady, told him she controls all UFO and all PARANORMAL on earth!
The only other mention of the "beautiful" lady I have read of, comes from the books the oxford/harvard 1880's books state when they spent 3.5 years with Jesus and His friends and 1 of Jesus's friends was called The Beautiful Lady, she healed sick children and built their new homes out of "air", same as Jesus and His friends did--everything--from "Air"..
The poor man, said the reason the Beautiful Lady contacted him, was that in the near future around the year 202____something was going to CHANGE THE EARTH---instantly and "if" he would warn the world---she would protect him and his family--------so Obama / Nasa / Military / World Gov all knew about the warning---
NASA engineers said that NASA was created day 1 with that "exact" goal----to try to AVOID the future problem for earth----as a result, world gov/military has been building underground for 50 years----more $$ spent underground that on top----
Nasa Engineers all believed they would live to see it happen, but most all are dead now---they did not live long enough--but they all believed they would---their answer to people was simple---get right with God-- now. They tried many things, even tried building lakes to change the rotation of earth and all they succeeded in doing is messing up weather.
PAST prophets have been warning---1 in particular that has been dead for many years now---had a warning that fits the warning given to this man---and the time period around easter and like every prediction, no one ever knows, they never know and most do not happen--
for instance---L.A. was suppose to have slid into the pacific by now-----1,000's believed and the entire city and even hollywood--all believed!
The 1940's prediction was that when cars "safely" drive them selves, the END COMES! Insurance companies said that will come by the year 2050, otherwise self-driving cars are death traps today.
Then you have the Third Book of God---written over 2,000 years ago---Jesus wrote that Elijah, Enoch, Jesus and 1 other would return right after world war 1 and warn the world; 1 last time----THAT HAPPENED and it happened for 30 years and was recorded on audio world wide and church/gov/colleges did everything they could to erase that history---The man that first talked with ELIJAH, wrote the first book---a book that according to him and speaker- 100% words given by Paul (the 1 other, Paul was not yet known when Jesus wrote the book).
The Third Book said 1 other thing----Jesus said they would Return Shortly after that visit---at THE END! At the End, Elijah said he will say DEMONS B GONE and every organized/evil human on the planet--drops dead. As example he often said the same thing at the world wide meetings and people in the audience dropped dead---you can find utube videos that world wide churches made in later days of Billy Branham who was at every meeting on earth--tell the churches how he use to help others pick up the dead people and stack them like "cord" wood!
SO LONG STORY SHORT----no one knows what Jesus meant that they would "SOON" Return! It has been 75+ years now---IS THAT SOON? No one can know....
Jesus said He returns and starts the 15 days...
By day 7, everything on earth is dead......
By Day 15, all land is below water-----this has happened many times in past earth history---earth is a self-cleansing planet!
In the 1880's the oxford/harvard professors wrote that Jesus explained to them how God made all the suns, all the planets, all the galaxies and how our sun and our planets are made and what to expect....exactly how it all works! Why the Sun, doeswhat the Sun does!
SO NOW, the internet says---
A 500,000 mile-wide coronal hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere----62 times larger than earth!!!! Surely harvard/oxford has ideas what the sun is about to do----based on what Jesus told them in the 1880's ---
spaceweather.com suggest this will begin to affect earth by January 31, 2025
Saying, it will be "mild"---while all of their friends all hide underground1
When all the wealthy people all HIDE UNDERGROUND---they all just disappear 1 day and go under ground---then you will know!!! YET, for a very long time----it was written that all the devils will hide underground and they will be the first to die-----
TO HIDE UNDERGROUND when the sun is shaking and moving would be the worse possible place to be-----
MOUNTAINS are at the bottoms of the oceans and on land---this PLANET MOVES and has MOVED ALLOT!
The Beautiful Lady says in a moment---all of EARTH will CHANGE! Will humans still be alive? All the man would say is that the Lady said she will save his family, if he warned the earth.
If you see Obama trying to get off earth with Musk---then you know they are scared..
China has been weekly sending building supplies to the moon---the american news is normally the opposite of news.