Jesus / Teacher
Is a very simple subject:
Jesus always told every human to ASK GOD, YOUR CREATOR to HEAL YOU!
Love God Your Creator!
Beware all the endless liars about Jesus of the past 500 years, most are just brain washed! brain washed so badly, they actually worship satan and do not even know it, will never know it.
Evil people teach what others said / believed about Jesus! Evil never ever teaches what JESUS SAID! This is why you should read and not be an ignorant sheep lead by evil people that spend their lives lying about JESUS.
Jesus taught that GOD is What God Is---man is not a likeness of God. God is a Jealous God and the humans that do not love God, will not be successful now or when dead. All evil people will not end well. Jesus had 1 message to all on earth- LOVE GOD! Do that and you succeeded for ever!
The greatest M.D. learned this Fact: God is Good, God is Always Good!
Calling another or anything on earth or in all of creation in all the universes a God or son of God is the greatest sin known. God creates all that has ever existed for God's use---not one other human or life-form that has ever existed is of any concern to you! The only thing that matters in your life---if your Love for God. If you go to other areas, other countries forcing your religions on others--you are the "organized", the God Haters! No other human that has ever been created ever needed your "Help" in the matter of GOD! God is in "all" life....God created your body, God has never made a mistake ever!
"ALL" that you know--is for your education! Your choices make or break you! Only the human has a conscious choice to do evil.
The human Subconscious JUDGES your moment to moment choices! Medical called your Subconscious Mind-- GOD!
Your subconscious can kill you dead instantly every second of your entire lifetime! When you are sleeping, your subconscious controls all your cells the same as when you are awake---you--your conscious soul can not control your cells, can not control your breathe, can not control your heart beat---can not give you 1 second more of life!
Your subconscious brain controls your body, your life! YOU, the conscious mind normally makes greedy decisions your entire lifetime! The brain washed make evil choices your entire lifetime-----FALSE TEACHERS always end in evil, eternal death.
Jesus the only Teacher, with 1 simple message--Love God.
Jesus is the Third Book from God, the first given to Moses, the second given to David. After the 15 days and and all countries sink deep into the oceans once again--and new lean countries rise up out of the oceans--a 4th and final book will be given and earth will be eternal paradise...that was the education from Jesus. Jesus and his His friends never die, they returned for approx 30 years after world war 1 started---as predicted over 2,000 years ago! They traveled world wide and warned all the countries to repent! They were audio recorded world wide and many books written as they went town to town, country to country healing people.Warning them all to stay away from the "organized" people, because they are God haters and want to be gods.'
Jesus is known as a Man that loves a good Hug! Books written in the 1800's those that knew him, said He loves to give you a good Hug! Beware all evil people, they always lie about Jesus, always Lie about God! God has but 1 message, LOVE! Love God and ignore the world!
Worship anyone or anything else other than God and you are an active satan worshiper.
Ignore, hate, defy God, is proof you worship satan. Defy all is proof you are a satan worshiper. Every human that does not love God, is proof they are victims of satan worshipers.
satan wants every living thing, all creation destroyed/dead--those types spray the world daily, poison the entire planet daily, they hate every living thing that exist--they are known as the "organized".
God is as close as your subconscious, in fact: "you" are the tiniest part of your body---you are virtually "nothing" but a "connection" to the body God made for you to "use"-- God knows 100% of all thoughts you have ever had or will have---you are judged 24/7 till your body takes it last get away with NOTHING----on judgement day, you can not lie...
The "organized" fear the death of their body--- they should! By 1850's Oxford Professors fully understood DEAD PEOPLE!
DEAD PEOPLE fill this today--makes endless electronics / cameras that allow dead people to be seen and or heard--------back over 150+ years ago college professors had many dead people as friends as the colleges STUDY DEAD PEOPLE that really MESSED UP BIG TIME! These dead people can be found all over the planet--everywhere people died.....battlefields, hospitals, prisons, houses---world wide, by the millions, probably billions---dead people with out a body.....they "screwed" up! Many were killed...for some reason, they are stuck where they died....
Others, an specific Angel comes and takes away.........JESUS had 1 solution, 1 education, just LOVE God that Created you, because God is a jealous God, God just wants your Love and God gives those that Love God---Paradise to Live In.
No matter how bad, how evil, all any human need to, is repent and Love God form that moment onward! Jesus asked God to heal satan; God said yes; "if" satan repents and Loves God------When Jesus told satan, satan hated all that God creates and refused....Jesus said if God would heal satan, God will heal all his creation, including all humans- if they Love God their creator!
Every living thing Loves God their creator--only humans have choice to hate God. Evil people believe them selves superior to all other lifeforms---because they do not Love God's creations! Only 1 creature hates all of God's Creations!
Evil people have zero trouble killing all forms of life....if God made it, they want to kill it. They will kill a baby or poison an entire ocean with pleasure.
75+ years ago, Jesus and His friends traveled earth for 30+ years, asking people to repent! Saying when they return the next time, the 15 days will begin and by day 7, all life on earth will end and all land sink by day 15. This has happened many times before--today every mountain has seashells, all land had an ocean bed below the ground---I have lived where the lime / ocean floor level was at the surface and loaded with layers of ocean lime, full of sea shells and where I live now, the lime table is 220 feet below the surface.
ASK ANY WELL DRILLER and he can explain there are layers of ASTEROIDS below your feet! This planet has self-cleansed MANY TIMES IN THE PAST---every school, every college lies to their students and most teach to hate God.
Oxford / Harvard by 1880's were educated by Jesus, given the historical records of earth. Well documented in their books. Jesus and His friends just as powerful then as they were 2,000+ years ago..all their books give the details---explain how virtually all great men, great inventors in history---all were gifted children! Many such children, men exist today! The creator of the Iron Man Movies is 1 such man--the world hates all such children/men...his story alone is an amazing story, such "gifted" children grow up "knowing" how to advance mankind on earth--inventions making life easier on earth........MUSK is another "example" as children, they were born "gifted" enabled to create inventions to better mankind.
The only gift required, is the "gift" to LOVE GOD!
Those that LOVE GOD have no fears of being THE DEAD with no body! WHY do not churches teach about the DEAD PEOPLE? It is very obvious..most all teach the opposite what Jesus Said and instead preach what others said about Jesus!