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The Patches / Life Wave

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The Patches / Life Wave

I personally suggest this:

1, patches 2 ways!

A. Retail

B. Wholesale

Basically 95% + buy wholesale

To get Wholesale you have to "Join" under the person that educated you about their product---and then if you do not like--thery give you a 100% refund.

Naturally you never need buy again---their hope is that you will love their product and then want to use forever!

The "original" Navy Seal's Patch I believe they call their "Energy" Patch. I have never tried that 1.

The inventor / owner that sales in 80+ countries for 20 years---started his "Business" with 1 patch he calls X - 39

To this day 20 years later, he still highly believes in the X-39 and says no one ever needs to wear 2, that 1 is enough for anyone! All his patches come in packs of 30 each. The X-39 his most popular and most expensive, basically about $3 a patch or touch over $3.00 every day!

He says all the greatest early results always resulted from 1 X-39 patch per day.

His patches are "frequency" / Light Reflection type devices---they only last 24hrs max. They work by placing on clothing, dog collar, etc. but by far best by direct skin contact. You can place any of his patches anywhere on your clothing and the typical
"muscle" testing will prove your balance and arm strength instantly increases! Yet, the patches have no magnet value, they swear it has to do with the reflective light back into your skin---in that the patch reflects the light coming from your body, back at your body and that activates stem cells, etc...

As a result of using them for 1 year, I suggest this:

Wear the X-39 for 1 year, every day from when you wake up, till you go to sleep!
Put a new 1 on each morning when you wake up! The patch is a small band-aid and applies "nothing" into the skin- no drugs etc. Nothing physical--so professional athletes / olympics use them. (Drug free).

You feel nothing from this patch--it is about restoring your body 1 stem cell at a time--

For back pains and all pains, they make what they call their EON Patch!
I love this Patch---place 1 at the top of the lower back and 1 at the bottom of the spine and WOW, that is GREAT---otherwise they go on anyplace there is a pain of any type.

Those are the only 2 I use--otherwise they make "specific" Patches (frequencies) for just about everything you can think of--that takes TIME to read 1 of 2 books and or listen to 1,000's of online pod cast / zoom calls that are never ending.....that teach each person and LEARNING is how to use those patches are required and I have not learned about them---I feel good on their 2 early Patches....and the inventor says if you only want 1, then the X-39 is the Best! The other patches are generally 1/2 the price of the X-39

The person that tells you about the Patches---almost always "know" a group of people and in those groups at least 1 or 2 people KNOW ALLOT and those then KNOW HIGHER UP DOCTORS high up the chain--what the company call "presidential" members that have been with the company sales for 5+ years!

The Crazy thing is the fact the oldest order AMISH have an extreme interest and the contact listed on the webpage is responsible for that---because the old order have no computers, no e-mail and many have no in-home phones---they have to go down the road to a sharable phone at what they call a PHONE SHACK---these families are generally very poor in that they no steady income---YET, they in LARGE NUMBERS are wearing the life wave patches.......and surely the fastest growing segment in america.

I am not sure how they can afford to spend $3+ each day- but and "IF" someone feels ripped off about any product---they put the word out in the Budget Newspaper and various amish news papers and WHAM---all the amish will avoid that product like a plague!

FACT: These light / frequency patches are just 1 other tool in a health tool box---not a miracle cure-all, but an option for those that refuse to use herbs, diets and want something "different".

The Inventor is mass producing his invention that adds light / frequencies into 12 ounces of water per batch that people drink once a day----manufacturing to sale in 80 countries and coming available this spring--he has so much faith in that machine that he wants to believe it will be life changing for the world---those that know him--says he learned his "stuff" from the ancient biblical God Codes....and installs such codes into what he makes...genetic codes are above my pay level as they say--

The inventor has hope for these facts: He pushes dental clean up, proper exercise, proper herbs/diet and love for God your creator.




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