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Red Blood Cells

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MH 108 8 Views: 22
Published: 32 h

Red Blood Cells

Medical says:

Red Blood Cells live about 4 months

White Blood cells about a Year

Cancer cells can be immortal


Over 100 years ago--medical proved an increase of over 5 X more red blood cells in just 14 days.

I HAVE NEVER seen their stats on 21 days (new heart) 30 days (new liver) 40 days (new skin)

So for just 14 days of the pleasure of living on 14 days of fresh juice---the body gets a 4+ Month Benefit.

As for those pesky cancer cells----there are a handful of herbs with the rep of killing them

WHAT STOPS the body from killing those cancer cells? 1. Dental metals/root canals 2. Drinking dirty water. 3. All poisons.

If you like--mix your fresh orange juice with fresh grapefruit (aids in fat removal)
Fresh coconut water direct from the nut is an absolute LUXURY!

EVERY FRUIT is an HERB........

garden of Eden? 100% herbs

The people that prints their bibles 500 years ago are the ones that hated fruits and loved animals---people rewrite history all the time!

FRUITS / NUTS / BERRIES from trees, bushes and vines are GOD'S "free: foods in Nature!

Take your clothes off, have ZERO tools and only how GOD CREATED YOU and each day---you will wake up---go obtain fresh fruits and EAT FRESH------

"IF" you are a Lucky Soul and discover a honey bee hive----YUM if the bees share with you!

DID YOU KNOW Bees "understand" and odds are---many insects "understand"---Fish understand---most animals can LOVE and also LOVE humans--------you are only limited to the degree of your brain washing----

If you are truly LUCKY---the number 108 will come to you your very first Orange Juice Fast and if that HAPPENS--your life is changed forever!


All of Medical, agreed from their own studies that the Dr. Hay Way orange juice fasting of over 100+ years ago---was the cure--

WHY? Because the blood had 5x more new red blood cells in just 14 days----Red Blood cells enable everything!

DID YOU KNOW every blood cell has "Intelligence" ---your brain is more like a "receiver" and storage unit....

Check out MIKE on the website or google him--he lived many years after his head was cut off.

DID you know FRANCE proved that the brain lives 15 minutes after the head is cut off---they chopped off 10,000 and studied those that volunteered and they could still blink their eyes and shed tears for up to 15 minutes.

back in the good ole days it was off with the heads of those bad boys---today it is give them bad boys a raise and a new house.

The Dr. Hay Way Orange Juice Fast can be done 10x easier and 10x better with a few simple herbal methods



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