12 / 19 / 24
Newsmax 12/19/2024 used to expose what to expect in less than 30 days-
News has been has been "warning" for a long time- hollywood has been "warning" for the past 75 years..
by 1954 it went all bad---Jackie Gleason knew and often said----TO THE MOON and referring to aliens.....only today, 2024, the ones that have been warning the presidents for the past 30+ years are telling the world----it is not the Aliens that are the problem--it is the underground humans--what ancient history refereed to as the devils below- JESSE VENTURER tried to warn the world--that the evil is not in washington, they are underground.
The red clearance army pre 1950 said outer-space is on the scale of star wars and worse---today, on earth, they now saying it is not the aliens that are the problem--it has been the special forces gone wild over 75 years--and a threat to the world.
If you do not have enough supplies to last a full year- start today, because as the world "panics' food supplies to disappear.
If they start world war--it will drag in aliens from deep space to put a stop, to those living under the usa..under japan, under the south pole, under the north pole---underground world wide----they have been tunneling underground for many many years world wide---
"they" treat humans on top as livestock ---
The 700 whistle blowers are lined up at congress and promise to not stop until the world knows--
TRUMP knows, all the presidents since the 1950's have known.
The whistle blowers say the aliens are anywhere form 1.5 feet tall to 10 feet tall, they are not the problem--the rogue uniformed are the problem according to newsmax---
The Japanese say they are 100 years advanced to the usa--that just 1 of their jets can wipe out the usa military--china ships supplies to the moon on a regular basis--
The drones today are part of their plan, their "starting" point. Not aliens, the uniformed that live under ground.
OR NOT, the uniformed may be playing a gigantic game--what people call world war 3..
The main whistle blowers say the uniformed traffic people, experiment on people...once the world believes that--the world will go crazy if true or not.
History suggest the only real war since 1945 the real war has been jaoan against russia.. Steven Seagul chose russia to go live.
News Max basically saying--the next 30+ days could be the hardest days of your life---if you never knew about aliens/military or seen them---in the past 50+ years..
There are alien ships that make anything on earth seem as puny as an insect---those types of aliens surely will not permit to become a waste land.
16 years ago the one they call the beautiful lady told the world to prepare and that in 1 day everything you thought you knew--will be turned upside down----nasa engineers 50+ years ago believed they would live to see it happen--most have not.
Most surely did not believe it would be rogue special forces that would get their hands on power and then become the problem. Aliens / Angels surely are not scared of them...humans are still puny insects in comparison. The beautiful lady told earth 16 years ago that she controls all paranormal / alien creatures..she traveled with Jesus long ago..
Odds are your entire world beliefs could be changed by 1/01/25 "if" the drones continue enough to force outside help to rescue earth.
If Angels or aliens do not step in and exterminate the problems underground---then those underground will continue trafficking humans like cattle.
Their man - made drones made their move for a reason--proof it has already started...the outcome is not known--yet.