Just 1 drop
Once conceived--1 drop of blood appears and that 1 drop creates the entire human, the entire mammal and prob
"everything" God has created that takes a male and a female----how any numbskull could believe in a "BANG" and just everything evolve from nothing--is true insanity.
1 drop of blood created "you"....1 red blood cell
The foundation of T-Cells, cells starts with the Red Blood Cell.
Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. by 1920's proved alkalinity and that ORANGE JUICE FASTING correctly ends up with 5X more red blood cells in just 14 days and all of medical proved and agreed by 1950. That scared them so badly by 1950 that the "organized" took the opposite path. Acidity.
Dr. Hulda Clark in her last years- lived the way she wrote--- ACID / STERILIZATION / ELECTRONICS---she agreed that Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. was an amazing education--she believed in acid and sterility--as a result she watched her red blood cell count drop every year.....
All the "stuff" to follow after Dr. Hay about stem cells and endless theories on how everything must work----ignored the fact all that "stuff" starts as a RED BLOOD CELL FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Putting all the acids in drinks/foods and the creation of 4 G, then 5 G and 6 G has scientist explaining the manipulation of the Red Blood Cell by secret design that no human consented to---aka a world war against humanity on earth. The Red Cells deteriorate and before you know it, your not sure if your a normal human anymore..or what you have turned into.
Undertground homes
Steel sides with steel roof would be free of 6 G "if" you had the ability to cover your winders with steel shutters. BUT, the moment the windows are not protected---the frequency military enter and flood every piece of air. Your invaded and conquered instantly.
Like in every WAR, only those that prepare and prevent in order to save their health---survive longer than those that do nothing..
LUCKILY there is a known medical method they called the GOD CURE over 100+ years ago.......the power of the human body, controlled 100% by the Subconscious, the most powerful cells on the planet---cells so powerful that "they" can defeat an entire army, they can defeat and entire country, they can move mountains----"if" the conscious has the "faith"..harvard/oxford by 1882 were proven that all they had to do to stop an invading army that was going to slaughter them all---all they need do, was TO LOVE those that werse bent on killing them----then that army became confused and they "all" killed them selves..the power of THE GOD CURE that medical was well aware of after the 1880's and Dr. Robt Jackson, M.D. had mastered by 1928 and shortly killed after he published it. Basically the foundation of those that did "miracles" for 1,000's of years and never die. Evil has no power over GOD.
Red Blood Cells thrive like crazy on a 100% raw fruit juice diet--why? DA, that is what the Red Blood Cells require, how they were designed for humans---only RAW BERRIES / FRUITS; which proves correct diet and maximizes Nitric Oxide Levels.
Beyond the Red Blood Cells, Alkalinity proof medical proved in the 1920's----1 side affect of such powerful abundance of Red Blood Cells has the possibility of the Number 108 coming to that person and changing their life forever.....another proof of correct "direction"--alkalinity.
So simple, yet so hated by meat eaters---because humans can thrive on nothing but raw orange juice for 40-50 days or longer, which proves humans are not designed as meat eaters----but have adapted to eating dead animals.This forum was developed on Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. discovery over 100+ years ago