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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 8 Views: 49
Published: 37 d


Nature is simple- God created "ALL" to reproduce... PERIOD!

Those that have "choice" to defy Nature, are humans. Only humans fall under instant JUDGEMENT, instantly as fast as light...for every sin against NATURE, every human that has ever walked this planet, has been "judged". Their own subconscious mind that 100% controls their existence - JUDGES the body that the conscious had the body break the LAW of NATURE and all judgement ends in premature death and worse.

All the lunatics in the world that defies Nature, all are judges beyond their belief. Many of them want to believe they are gods, they are masters and in reality, they are the most miserable people on the planet, the most lonely....loveless and worst of all, they almost always hate God their creator. They have little to no family.

The ONLY VALUE as a human on earth is the size and health of your FAMILY and the freaks/professionals/organized---all know this. They know their "fake" wealth insures their they want to believe they will be gods when they die....the wise man said these types have the same chance that a camel has jumping through the eye of a sewing needle....

Fools want to believe they choose to have a child or no child--as if they are in "control" of their subconscious. Not 1 human has ever lived that is in charge of their subconscious. Not 1 human has control of their next breath or the next heart beat......what they truly are---is the results of their past 4+ generations. Their relatives "failed" them.

Failed people become sterilized within 7 generations--- past generations failed to defeat the evil and instead fail victim or even worse- they chose to be evil. If they had children, they were doomed. They are called-- THE WORLD, those that want to think they are "special" and there is no God, no judgement for them...and they choose what lives and dies..they literally believe they are gods---proof they are as evil as evil comes to Nature... Nature Obey's God Always...and Judges Wisely Always at the speed of light, your very next heart beat suffers from your last sin against Nature..

The sad examples of false education believe they are "saved", even though they make no efforts as their body decays and they get their new metal hips and knees...and worse---foreign organs...they fear death, as they should, because they know Nature Wins Always.

World Wide many people and some tv shows have a huge fascination with dead people. By 1850's Oxford Professors had dead people living with them as they studied and learned about dead an example, a professor allowed harvard/oxford professors to enter his home for a day and the old professor had 1 of his dead friends, knit a very heavy set professors a SWEATER! As they talked, the dead person knitted the large sweater and knitted the proffessor's name on the sweater... Today- people world wide using electronic devices can talk to, see, communicate with dead people...the battlefields are flooded with dead people, hospitals full of dead people. Cities full of dead people---ancient cities full of dead people....oceans with endless dead people....sunken cities with dead people---still there...

Large colleges over 175 years ago, had friends of dead people---invisible dead people... people that often, were killed by really bad people and yet, they are "stuck" where they were killed... stuck there for hundreds of years, who knows, maybe 1,000's of years.

NATURE never plays around, NATURE is Perfect and Just. The evil people, surely fear dying, they should. Those that are anti-Nature have no idea what they do.... NATURE is about LOVE and all GOD wants, is LOVE. LOVE = Large FAMILIES. The goal of world war 1 was to destroy families world wide---world war 1 never ended, never slowed is the "first" and last world war.

The solution is simple---Stop being worldly and just obey Nature. Just obey God and LOVE GOD. Nothing, no one, no thing can forgive, only God can.

Ignore the crazies, they know not what they do------this is why Dr. John R. Christopher would say: Ask any Gorilla, he can tell you the TRUTH about health. The Gorilla has no choice, he will obey Nature! He will live and fight to have a large healthy Family, not everyone wins with a huge healthy family, but everyone wins that Loves God that created them.

False teachers are the most evil creatures on earth---false teachers created the internet....90% if not more about human life---is false by design. Electronic Design. 25 years ago, earth was told Electronics is bad, those that create it, are evil. Electronic take over is a sign of the end. In the end, less than 30, will Love God.



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