Turtles can live 6+ months with zero oxygen
Humans have that same gene, same as with salamanders that can regrow much of their body.
A turtle once ate my fishing bait and then wrapped the line around a pipe under the water. The next day I took a boat out and cut the line and the turtle floated to the top of the water----I put it on the bank, eventually the turtle woke up and swam away.
When humans run out of oxygen--they don't wake up
In france years ago, they took off 10,000 heads in 1 event----their studies showed the head could still blink the eyes for 15 minutes---proof you have allot of time after you have no blood and no oxygen---15 minutes to regret your entire life's collection of mistakes.
WEBSITES I know pretty much died years ago, unless they are small and designed for phone use and video, not PDF/books etc.The curezne was gigantic back in the days that people were getting their first tabletop computers that were lucky to last 2 years--unless it was an apple. Once the "editing" was deleted, the owner faded away and the trolls destroyed everything of any value-----I am of the conclusion that that "websites" went the way of the dinosaurs..