Re: Everything You Need to Know About Dental Crowns: Benefits, Process, and Care
Surprised curezone permitted such a thing---would make Dr.
Hulda Clark roll over in her grave.
Many Great dental books exist, Dr. Hal Huggins was the best early dentist that saved allot of people from bad dentist.
The smartest dentist (Dr. Henson) in California that teaches laser etc. HIS book, has a picture of a man standing in a row boat and using a shotgun and blowing a hole in the bottom of the book and explains this is what "normal" dentist do to you.
Dr. Clark's books all had about 50 pages dedicated to dental disaster----- I cut the 50 pages out of the advanced cancer book and sent it to my old dentist that had recently retired----he called me up and said all 50 pages were correct......and that all he did, thanks to me having dental insurance---was in fact, to kill me. He then suggested to have all his work pulled asap---remove every crown he had installed over the years.
HOW these ********s do it:
1. First the baby drs get to the mother.
2. Then the pediatrician jabs the ones that survive.
3. the first 2, insure the 6 year old has teeth problems and then the dentist are TRAINED----------OMG
Dr. John about my age, grew up wanting to be a children's dentist----he goes to _ _ U and on his first day, the professor explains, they he is not the "smart" students----they are being trained down the diabetic, heart and cancer drs and we, the dentist, are going to FEED THEM WITH PATIENTS!!!!
Dr. John shut his mouth, graduated and chose to REMOVE everything he had been professional trained to do, all his fellow students told John that you will fail, they will shut you down, etc.........Dr. John said I will not poison the children. So he has spent his entire career REMOVING what the more evil dentist blindly do to their patients---MY OLD DENTIST admitted that Dr. Clark's book was 100% correct, all his paper work was flawed/lies and he was obeying his life and everyone's life is suppose to be poisoned beyond help by age 40----professionally!
Dr. John became friends with Dr. Hal Huggins, was friends with Dr. Clark's dentist in Indiana, took part of studies proving how toxic just 1 mercury filling really is....
"ALL" the socialism countries "all" have the worse dentist on the planet--none of them will buck the system---so people in those countries come to countries that a few good dentist exist and as a result, Dr. John often has patients fly in from other countries.
Dr John said no dentist could exist, "IF" they had to show their patients the labels of the products they use---even their glue used to glue on the crowns says it causes ______s. He said every product is designed to give you _____s. AS a RESULT, Dr. John never once used mercury----instead for 40 years he has removed it. NEVER ONCE would he do a root canal, instead, he pulls those dead, extremely toxic fake teeth.
I had 112x more lead than normal for a male my age in 50 countries--------Dr. John showed me why---the ______ old dentist installed LEAD in ever rt canal he did-----why? BECAUSE LEAD IS A STRONG CANCER CAUSING HEAVY METAL...designed to kill the patient as the smarter drs take all the $$$ from the poisoned patient.- by professional DESIGN!
The same old dentist did the same thing to my older brother and used a little gold and Dr. Clark wrote exactly what cancer that would cause and it did and it did kill him----exactly as they knew it would. WHY? Simple, because when you mix in some gold with those LEAD FILLED ROOT CANALS, the ELECTRICITY flows stronger and your BRAIN can not direct your spine/nerves correctly and your organs fail...Dr. Clark explained how all can test each tooth that a bad dentist poisoned...I did and all my teeth worked on by dentist resisted over 600 and a highly educated electronics genius told me that YOUR BRAIN can not send signals through such a powerful electric field.......
DR> JOHN said, you know why your bottom from teeth have no crowns? He explained the _____ dentist can not easily work on the lower bottom center teeth, because they are thin--so all the dentist I had for first 40 years of life, none of them messed with my lower center teeth and not one had a crown or filling---but they got to all the others and crowned them all---FOR THE INSURANCE $$$, 3 every year.
The last dentist admitted Clark was correct and that he was in fact, trained to kill me. BEYOND THAT, a kid I went to school with, in my class, all his family were drs and he failed to get his license, so he took a 10 year program in africa and when he was finished, they gave him his degree and he is a family physician today, yet in africa for 10 years, he told his dad (MD) what he did and his dad told me he was ashamed of his sun.
BEST of ALL--------an old 95 year old M.D. retired about 23 or so years ago and started a CANCER ALTERNATIVE STUDY in his state---my dentist invited me to come to listen to him tell these 50 Cancer M.D. about how dental work creates ______s....and the 95 year old cancer dr started the meeting saying after he retired he got his first computer and learned how he was causing cancers and had no clue about curing cancers-----
Dr. John tells them all about dentist and afterwards, all 50 lined up and made appointments to have their poisons pulled. PROOF, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing--the professors brain wash them..and $$$ the only goal.
THE CUREZONE was started based on Dr.
Hulda Clark and all her books condemning 100% of typical dentist. HER RULE was simple, you want me to work on your cancers in Mexico, when you get here, we are pulling EVERY TOOTH that a dentist damaged over your lifetime---OR I, Dr.
Hulda Clark will not waste my time with you.
Dr. Hal Huggins explained it all by the 1960's-- READ HIS BOOKS for starters and end with the Dr. Clark Advanced Cancers Book.
IF they cop the top off your tooth and your root is still alive---give it time, that toxic glue and trapped food/lyme etc. will eventually make that tooth HURT and your dentist eagerly ready to do a
root canal and stuff it with LEAD or some other type heavy metal poison...and then that DEAD ROOT will take 100% of your IMMUNITY from you and this turns cancers loose, lyme loose and ends in cancers--by design.
CLARK was 100% correct, you got cancers? Open your mouth and lets see what your dentist did to you.
There are a few good dentist out there---but even the good ones will not explain that all the products, even the glues, are all ____ causing chemicals....DR. HULDA CLARK, proved, all dentla work is very toxic, very cancer causing.
HER SOLUTION is spelled out in her books.
A. NO CANCER: you can have your mercury removed and your rt canal teeth pulled and your nickel crowns removed and replaced with porcelain.
B. YOU HAVE CANCER: You pull every tooth that ever had dental work over your lifetime.
C. Bridges: They destroy good teeth, they lock up your 26 skull bones------DO NOT DO IT, pull the ___ things if they are dead.
Abortion drs you know what they do---they do not hide it. Can you say the same about the other white coats.......
The ONLY SOLUTION is to raise children dental free, white coat free for life---never see a white coat after your born is the goal in life..........WHEN you fail, once back home, correct your problems and avoid that next visit to the dentist/M.D.
Medical / Dental Insurance is a TRAP---literally, it traps millions of victims. Socialism a 100% trap, how they intend to do 30% by 2030. Commercial foods a trap! Commercial Water a trap and sadly since 1949, your air is filled with aluminum and then by 1992 with titanium dioxide so you will have troubles by age 40, if you wake it that long.
A REAL DENTIST works for you, not the gov. YOU tell them what you want done and if they so much as cough at the idea---leave and never go back to them---you can never trust a white coat that refuses to work for you!
If your foolish enough to not know what to tell them, then shame on you, your the next victim waiting. The eventual end plan is harvesting your organs. USA TODAY 30 years ago explained on their front page how 3 labs need bodies and there was not enough dead people in California to supply these 3 labs, as a result, Reagan had to open the border to feed those labs. Today, L.A. says they have 500 unwanted dead bodies at any give time---why? Ask the 100,000+ children that go missing every year---all roads lead to the 3 labs. ASK ANY SURGICAL NURSE in any large city hospital----they will tell you to never ever sign your license that your an organ donor---40 years ago I knew a surgical nurse and she explained how once in, they look at what is saleable and you might find yourself downstairs, being parted out---because she explained how that "consent" form gives them your body parts and live body parts bring a premium.
When my dad fell and hurt his hip just a little---he went to the e/r and 30 minutes later in intensive care, I asked dad, you OK? He said yes, just slipped and I am fine..............the head of intensive care went on to explain that your dad is 67 years old and eventually he will experience pain----lets avoid all that and have all the family come in and say their good byes and after midnight, we will put him down and you can get the body tomorrow----my brother said what the_________that was 20 years ago----these nuts will kill you for your organs....they will kill you just to be killing you...I had a relative as a nurse in the old folks home during covid and she said all the drs were talking about was how much they covid get for the LIVES.
How they do it-------
Cell Phone s/internet, false public schools, lots and lots of vaccines and parents that are lazy. All a design of world war 1---destroy the family, get their children.
IF you have a crown or black filling---READ the Dr. Hulda Clark books, the books this website was based on.