'Cosmos' means order, rhythm, harmony. Existence is not a chaos but a cosmos. Pythagoras has contributed much to human thought, to human evolution. His vision of a cosmos became the very foundation of scientific investigation.
Science can exist only if existence is a cosmos. If it is a chaos, there is no possibility of any science. If laws change every day, every moment - one day the water evaporates at one hundred degrees [100°], another day at five hundred degrees [500°] - if water functions in a whimsical way and follows no order, how can there be a science?
Science presupposes that existence functions in a consistent way, in a rational way, that existence is not mad, that if we search deep into existence, we are bound to find laws - and those laws are the keys to all the mysteries.
Just as it is true for science so it is true for religion too - because religion is nothing but the science of the inner. The outer science is called science; the inner science is called religion - but both can exist only in a cosmos.
There are laws of the inner world. Those laws have been discovered just as much as scientific laws have been discovered. Neither have scientific laws been invented, nor have religious laws been invented. Truth is - you need not invent. it And whatsoever you invent will be untrue - all inventions are lies.
Truth has to be discovered, not invented. Einstein discovers a certain law; Patanjali also discovers a certain law; Newton discovers gravitation, Krishna discovers grace - both are laws. One belongs to the earth, the other belongs to the sky; one belongs to the world of necessity, the other belongs to the world of power. One belongs to the visible and the other belongs to the invisible.
The inner world, the world of the spirit, follows certain laws, and those laws are unchangeable, they are perennial. Hence I have called this series 'Philosophia Perennis' - the perennial philosophy. Those laws are not time-bound, they are beyond time. Time itself functions within those laws. If you want to do something in the outside world, you will need to know how the outer existence functions, because unless you know how it functions you are bound to fail.
Nature has no obligation to adjust to you - you will have to adjust to nature. You can win nature only by adjusting yourself to nature. You can become a conqueror too, but not against nature - with nature, in tune with nature. You can become a master of the inner kingdom too - not against the laws but in tune with those laws.
It is because of this mystic vision - that the world is not accidental, not anarchic, but an absolutely harmonious, cosmic, orderly world - that Pythagoras was able to discover many things for the seekers. One thing that he discovered was that music can become the milieu for meditation. He was the first to introduce that idea too to the West. In the East we have known it for centuries, that music is the best aid to meditation. Why? because music creates harmony around you, and the harmony around you can provoke harmony within you. If the outside is harmonious, the inside also starts falling in line with it - and that you have watched many times.
In the marketplace, you feel a great disturbance inside you - with the crowd you never feel at home. In the market-place the whole atmosphere is anti-music; there is no harmony, it is a chaos. And the outer chaos provokes inside chaos.
Go into a madhouse and be with mad people for a few hours and you will see: you start feeling something going crazy inside you. Go to the hospital and just be with the ill patients there for a few hours, and you start feeling a sickening is entering into you, a kind of sick feeling. You are not sick; you were not sick when you entered the hospital.
What has happened? The sick vibe all around you starts synchronizing inside you, because the outer and the inner are not divided; they are part of one whole. The inner is the inner of the outer, and the outer is the outer of the inner. They cannot be separated. So each affects the other.
If you know meditation deeply, you can sit in the market-place and nothing will be disturbed because you have a powerful music going on inside you. It is so powerful that the market-place and its noise cannot affect it; on the contrary, people who are around you may start feeling a certain soothing effect, a calmness coming. If a real Buddha sits in the marketplace, he creates there too a Buddhafield, and whosoever enters into the Buddhafield is affected immediately - he starts falling into harmony. Something starts settling inside him; something starts getting together inside him. He becomes more centered, together.
That's the secret of satsang - being with a Buddha, an enlightened mystic. The whole secret is this: to be with the Master means just to allow his vibe to provoke your inner harmony which is fast asleep and you are unaware of it. But ordinarily if you go to the market-place, you come home a little lost, exhausted, tired, something is missing. You need rest; only after a good night's rest will you be able to go to the marketplace again.
Music is a harmony - it is harmony between sound and silence. Sound belongs to the earth, silence belongs to the beyond. Music is, as Pythagoras believed and called it 'numinous'. The word 'numinous' comes from a Latin root 'numen'. It is a tremendously significant word, very pregnant with meaning. Numen means a nod from the above, a yes from the beyond.
Music creates such a harmony that even God starts nodding at you, saying yes to you.
Music is numinous... suddenly the sky starts touching you; you are overwhelmed by the beyond. And when the beyond is closer to you, when the footsteps of the beyond are heard, something inside you gets the challenge, becomes silent, quieter, calmer, cool, collected.In the Pythagorean mystery school, music was one of the greatest things. We have to create great music so that great meditative states become possible. Music is outer meditation: meditation is inner music. They go together, hand in hand, embracing each other. It is one of the greatest experiences of life when music is there surrounding you, overwhelming you, flooding you, and meditation starts growing in you - when meditation and music meet, world and God meet, matter and consciousness meet. That is UNIO MYSTICA - the mystical union.
In the East we have called it 'yoga'. Yoga simply means union. The best definition of yoga, and the shortest, is by the great seer Vyasa. He says yoga is samadhi, yoga is enstasis. Ordinarily samadhi is translated as ecstasy - that is not right, because ecstasy literally means to stand out. Samadhi is to stand in! It should be translated as enstasis not as ecstasis. Yoga is enstasis - standing in, doing nothing, just being. That state is meditation.
And anything that can help from the outside will have some music in it, only then can it help. The sound of running water in the hills can help, because it has its own music. The roaring waves of the ocean can help, because they have their own music. The singing of the birds in the morning can help, or the sound of insects in the silent night, or the rain falling on the rooftop - anything that creates music can also create meditation.
The Pythagorean school was a school of music, of song and dance, of great celebration.
People have forgotten that music can take you downwards, and can also take you upwards. Most modern music takes you downwards; it is concerned with the lowest center of your being, with the sex center.
The ancient music, the classical music, has a totally different effect: it pulls you upwards, it takes you beyond gravitation. It is part of levitation; you start floating upwards and upwards. It has a more meditative quality in it. It reaches to your higher centers. The real music worth calling music will have something to do with sahasrar - your seventh center, but very rarely a genius reaches there to create such music. But if even your heart center is moved, it is more than enough. If your heart center starts dancing and revolving, you are very close to meditation.
HEALTH to Pythagoras has two aspects to it. One is the physical, the other is the spiritual. The body is your temple - don't neglect it. Your foolish, stupid ascetics have been telling you to neglect it - not only to neglect but to destroy your body.
Pythagoras is not an ascetic. An ascetic is one who ascribes to the practice of voluntarily denying pleasure or basic human needs in order to achieve some higher spiritual goal. Pythagoras is a man of understanding.
He says: Respect, don't neglect, your body. If your body is neglected, you will not be able to find the inner harmony - because if the body is harmonious it helps to attain to inner harmony. Take every care of your health, of your body; love it, respect it, it is a great gift.
It is a miracle! a mystery.
What food is for the body repose is exactly the same for the soul: food nourishes the body and repose nourishes the soul. The materialist forgets about repose; that's why in the West there is so much restlessness - they have forgotten repose, they don't know how to relax. They don't know how to be in a state of unoccupiedness; they don't know how to sit silently doing nothing. They have completely forgotten! The materialist is bound to forget. He goes on eating too much, and he has forgotten that only his body goes on becoming fatter and fatter, and his soul goes on becoming thinner and thinner.
Sometimes I see people who have only bodies and no soul. Just layers and layers of fat, and nothing behind. Howsoever sophisticated they may be, educated, full of knowledge, there is not much difference. They say the difference between a cauliflower and a cabbage is not much: when the cabbage goes through college it becomes a cauliflower.
Repose is far more essential even than food. If sometimes you go on a small fast it is good, but repose should never be forgotten - because basically the body is only a temple: the deity is within. The body has to be loved only because it is a temple of the deity. The body is only a means; the end is inside.
Repose is food, meditation is food, for the soul. Repose means silence, rest, relaxation, calmness, coolness, collectedness, meditativeness. A state of unoccupied mind, empty, silent, with no idea of any doing, not going anywhere, not rushing anywhere - just being herenow. That is repose. And to be herenow is tremendously nourishing, because then you are deeply in tune with God, then music showers on you.
The past is no more, it is dead; the future is not yet, it is unborn. Only the present is. Only the present is alive. When you are herenow, life flows in you. When you are herenow, you are in God. And that is nourishment, that is real food.
In that sense the Upanishads have said: Anam Brahm - food is God, God is food. In the sense of repose, it is really food. As the body will die without food, the soul dies without repose. The materialist thinks only of the body, and the spiritualist thinks only of repose, and both remain lopsided. One has a very nourished soul but an undernourished body; the temple is in ruins. And one has a beautiful temple, a marble temple, but the deity is dead, or has not come yet. Both are missing something.
We need a music of earth and sky, of body and soul; we need a harmony between the visible and the invisible. The food is visible, repose is invisible. And you need both, and you need a rhythm between the two.
The person who has not known what repose is starts stuffing too much food in himself. Nothing can help him unless he learns repose - no dieting is going to help, no exercises are going to help, no disciplining is going to help. Sooner or later he will start eating again, because his inner being feels so empty and he knows no other way to fill it - he knows only one way: to go on throwing food inside himself.
When people come to me with the problem of too much obsession with food, my only suggestion is: become more meditative. Don't be worried about food. Become more loving, become more meditative, and the problem will disappear. When you are full of love and meditativeness, you need not stuff yourself with food. The food is only a substitute - because you are missing the inner food, you are trying to substitute it by outer food.
The man of repose always remains very, very alert, aware, of what he is eating, how much he is eating. He cannot eat more than is needed, and he will not eat less than is needed. He is always in the middle, he is a balance.
Pythagoras is always reminding you about the golden mean: be in the middle - as much as Buddha goes on reminding about MAJJHIM NIKAYA, the middle path.
Don't hanker for too much attention from people - that is an ego trip. Don't try to become very famous, well-known, this and that - that is an ego trip. But that does not mean start trying to become a nonentity - that nobody should know you, that you should remain anonymous - that is again the same trip on the other extreme. Avoid both.
All extremes have to be avoided. Excess is evil according to Pythagoras - and it is. And to be in the middle, to be exactly in the middle, is virtue. Never be an ascetic, and never become indulgent. Don't eat too much food and don't go on long fasts. Don't become too much obsessed with luxury, and don't become too much anti-luxury, anti-comfort.
Don't renounce the world, and don't be worldly either. Rejoice in the balance - dance, because balance is dance. Sing because balance is a song. Become musical because balance creates music.
And remember, in each and everything the golden mean has to be followed. And if you can follow the golden mean, you will become gold, your baser metal will be transformed into the highest metal, gold.
Gold is a symbol of the ultimate peak - that's why Pythagoras has called these sutras, GOLDEN VERSES. It is an alchemical expression. Down the ages alchemists have been trying to find ways to transmute baser metals into gold. Remember, they were not concerned with baser metals and gold at all: their whole purpose was how to transform man from a sexual animal into an ecstatic consciousness, how to transform the animal in man into God. That state is represented by gold.
Follow the golden mean and you will become the gold. Follow the path of balance and all the mysteries will be revealed to you. That's my message to my sannyasins too: Don't leave the world and yet be not of it.
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