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Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 32
Published: 3 m


I have broken my fair share of ribs in the past 30 years-- today was no exception and what I as standing on broke through and I fell down about 4 feet to cement and then rolled to a skid loader and luckily only hit my head on the metal----otherwise broke a few ribs on the lower left and scrapes and twisted knee a tad.....etc. No big deal, but today I use more than BF&C and BF&C does wonders, internally and externally, along with spray 1, etc. Always see the chiropractor the following or same day. Today I use same herbs, plus something that has been around for 20 years-- little patches that are suppose to reflect the body's light back into the body with loads of endless claims of improved health and mostly is control of pains of every type and just about everything according to those that have used them several years +. The patches apply nothing into the skin--some people just wear them on their clothes and don't even stick them to their skin. They cost $2-3$ a patch and those that are really into them, wear at least 1 new one every day or maybe 2-3 patches daily, so they can get a little pricey--but amazing some of the poorest people in the country that maybe make $5k or less, really become believers..every possible health subject is covered by the manufacturer.. and like all that type stuff, they are sold pyramid style where they like people to "join" their that part sucks. the crazy part is that in some cases when paid is so horrible that your throwing up, curled up and can't take any more----certain ones of these patches that look like nothing but a small circle bandage --has the ability in some cases---to stop the pain in less than a minute and then you pass out and sleep---the patches are basically "crystals" sealed in plastic and energized with specific "frequencies' AND each different name/frequency has a different affect on the body----the pain specific patches seek to stop/remove inflammation..and 1 crazy patch that is a 2 patch system for sever pains..........that patch system can "feel" like a steel needle entered your pain spot---you swear a needle entered your skin---but the patch is just sealed flat plastic----they say the needle feeling is the energy "spike" and instantly extreme pain such as horrible back pain so bad your ready to go to a hospital----may just magically disappear...because of that, over the past 20 years they sell their patches in over 20 countries.. ENERGY medicine / methods are hard to prove----about the only way a person becomes a believer is when they experience some form of energy type healing method. Proper use of small magnets can have similar affects (lots cheaper). Patches / Pain killing methods are just tools in your health tool kit so you FIX YOUR SELF and not find your self going to an ER Car dealers have often turned into professional thieves, straight out thieves and most ER facilities treat your body as terrible as car "dealer" repair shops treat your mechanics, some are honest and some are not--same applies with drs...the more organized in groups normally means professional thieves. People should be capable of taking care of minor broken bones, minor cuts, normal sicknesses etc. etc. or take the chance of being ripped off when they head to the city professionals...


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