Parasites is part of life
There are potent herbs that aids the blood to kill parasites, but the only solution is daily prevention for life. Every Day. Something as easy as a squirt in the mouth or a few capsules or a drink of liquid and do not forget the skin- where blood does not flow, is where parasites call home----the pancreatic duct and liver ducts and sadly, the brain are favorite hiding spots...
Daily Prevention is the only good method.
Potent, extremely adult only can be as little as 2 drops daily for 30 days and then wait to see what, if anything happens for the next 30 days. The results can be liquid OOZE coming out your skin locates around the joints, underarms, ear lobes, calf, forearms, crotch, etc. My assumption is that the itchy, acid liquid expelled by the body is coming from the lymph glands--it is so acidic, that if you try to stop it from coming out, it will burn/scar your skin.
Naturally the 60 drops of herbs is not the acid oozing out for a month......after 30 days of acid comes out, the body normally feels great and lumps disappear.
The body wants to cleanse so badly---but sickly people, can be too sickly that too much waste wants to come out and could over whelm the elimination channels, so for that fact, books do not exist on such subjects---such things are 100% self-experimental and I know people, highly experienced adults that were lured into self-experimental "vitamin" use and they literally over dosed on vitamins and died, even a M.D. that was training them---died from over dose of vitamins. No one ever knows how much their body can tolerate---but the elimination organs "want" a clean body and for that reasons, all humans should master correct diet, yearly juice fasting...
Many foods and Many herbs are great as daily parasite prevention.....all herbs that are good herbs, same with foods---should always be great.