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Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

  Views: 54
Published: 3 m


Many books have been written about Lyme worms and world wide studies----

The Last Great Plague

Every mammal is born with lyme worms.......

Most blood sucking / biting insects spread lyme... the parasite wants to travel from victim to victim, their goal is not to kill their free ride.

A normal adult human with no ill symptoms can have 3 trillion+ lyme worms in their body---weighing 3#

They live inside your nerves, inside your bones, inside your teeth, you are their home!

Large worms generally are much easier to kill---while lyme worms are everywhere, you can never be free of them-------but NATURE has solutions for all species, otherwise a specie becomes extinct.

Every human ideally does parasite prevention from conception to the end.

PARASITE Management is an important part of life..............

Proper specie specific foods are essential for avoiding parasites.

The human body can replace its self every year, in theory God designed the human body to live forever. The subconscious "decides" when your time is up--- based on what your conscious decisions resulted in doing to your body........the subconscious hands down judgement every second- your next heart beat is a decision of your are what you believe and that makes false education your greatest enemy.

Great M.D. were understanding the God cure by 1920's, much of medical/drugs is based on "belief" via false education---tricking the conscious of each victim.

The conscious is an easy victim---it is lied to its entire life...your conscious mind "lies", it can make you believe anything----example, your brain can make you believe you can not lift 1 ounce, all your muscles will make you believe your trying to live hundreds of pounds; while in reality your not lifting even an ounce---------your conscious mind and subconscious mind can your existence "fake" when false education consumes your mind......medical understand the subconscious can heal you at the speed of light--what people know as "miracle" healing-----or your subconscious can drop you dead instantly --an endless war between the conscious and the subconscious.

WHY are people affected so badly? 2 main reasons, the FALSE PROPHETS---your EARS and EYES....making every person, experience "EFFECT" your life based on what YOU BELIEVE......

Your eyes and ears leads you over the follow your neighbors over the cliff.. False teachers flood the world, there is only 1 true teacher: NATURE! God's Rules for life on planet earth......

humans are the only specie with the ability to deliberately break God's Rules and all the animals humans affect--- the human conscious being earth's greatest parasite.

Prophets / Teachers ideally teach Nature's Laws for fellow humans----

The "human" experience is an "invisible" conscious spirit living inside a Body, a body they have no control of, in that no human controls the next breath or the next heart beat.....the human is a "Passenger", the human spirit enter and leaves with "nothing"...everything is a "gift" experience......

The human owns "nothing", the creator owns all.......the largest mistake a human can make is belief in "ownership"......the human spirit came with nothing, leaves with nothing......

The 1 subject humans ignore out of fear is having no body to exist in. BY 1850 Oxford had learned about body-less people.
In theory, there could be more people on earth with no body than there are people with a body. Today world wide, people have interest in dead people with no shows and manufacturers have created endless electronics to enable contact with dead people and desire to see dead people and paranormal creatures.

Sure the greatest mistakes humans make would be those that lead to becoming a dead person----stuck in eternal torment.....every town has a house that they will not tear down in fear of what exist there will just enter another house to wide countries fear tearing down large buildings where medical killed thousands and thousands of people-----every battlefield on earth haunted by the people that were killed there.... BY 1850's oxford scientist had befriended dead people.

Possession by dead people scares everyone------the mass printed suggestion 500+ years ago was that a human could have 666 dead spirits inside them---they deliberately misquoted the prophet, over 2,000 years ago he explained people can have 6,666 bad spirits inside them.. aka dead people with no body. Gifted children have suggested they could see spirits trying to enter the mouth of sleeping people.....

The world believed that all sickness / ill health is a result of "bad" thing inside and prophets asking God's forgiveness produces miracles at the speed of light (subconscious) and the dead rose, the cripples walked and sickness gone--in seconds, because the human body is electrical / magnetic / water / earth living on an earth of NEGATIVE and AIR that is POSITIVE........they know that the air at your head height has 350 volts of electric and 62 miles high has 500,000 volts and it all makes the earth rotate like an electric motor and everything that exist---is electrical/magnetic and all flows at the speed of electric, as fast as a magnet...and true miracles can manifest at the speed of light......

By the 1880's oxford/harvard scientist spent 3.5 years with people that could walk on water, travel at the speed of light, make all food out of air and heal anyone of everything and create housing out of air---in fact, for the past 100 years scientist have been creating much out of air---great drs by 1930's said they could produce wood out of air. In fact, all is Sun and Earth Electric...electrified air..

The earth is negative, the air is positive; same way your light bulb works.......and why your body was never ever created to wear shoes or walk into a house that causes your body to be separated from the earth.

Commonly known as GROUNDED or Grounding...

When grounded your body is just that: grounded! AIR can not hurt you! Frequencies can not hurt you, because the earth provides the UMBRELLA AFFECT....

+ and - can not mix!!!!!

As long as your grounded, you are not harmed by +, the 2 can never mix.

When you are not grounded you will have 1.4 volts in your body, what you know as INFLAMMATION because your shorted out...

Touch the ground and instantly your back to 0 volts.......easily measured with simple electric meter.

the FOUNDATIONAL problem with ill people is the fact they are not grounded.......otherwise endless other reasons why they are sickly, every reason is a result of BREAKING THE RULES for living on earth.

INSTANT JUDGEMENT often at the speed of light, because your subconscious knows every law you break---your conscious decisions break.

2,000+ years ago people were told every human has 2 Angels, 1 recording your good and 1 recording your theory, your conscious and subconscious are those 2 Angels or every human does have 2 Angels with them at all times, which is far more Kooler!


The BIG 3 laws.........

In the 1880's the science were permitted to see things for 3.5 years, for 1 reason, to be WARNED of world war 1, the last great war that would never end. World War 1 was predicted over 2,000 years ago......and warned that Elijah, Enoch and another would come and WARN the planet and they came and did that world wide for 30+ years...IT was predicted they would do that just "before" the end....and when asked ELIJAH to his face, Elijah said He/They would soon return at the end...because that was predicted over 2,000 years earlier.. Pastor Lee Vayle was the first human to ask Elijah and then the first to write about it, then many others wrote about it world wide.. "They" predicted the future of America; a future that quickly followed... Nasa types/many others in the know, by 1950's believed they would live to see the End, but most have died and lucky they did not live to see the end. People have been watching for the end for over 2,000 years....

The 1880's oxford/harvard scientist seen and learned how some people never die, not until the end. By the 7th of the last 15 days, all life on earth that ever was, is dead, according to the great prophets. By the 15th day not even a hill exist on earth- every mountain flat---something that has happened before. When mountains rise, they all have sea shells. Below everyone's feet is a past ocean bottom. Below my feet 220 feet is the lime table, full of sea shells, not far away the same lime as at the surface and used to make cement and highways. All eventually becomes ocean---new land rises that is rich and grows jungles and paradise on earth... the greatest Prophet says earth should never be your home, because God creates a million planets with just 1 thought and that earth is not your home...

yet, dead people are everywhere people have died.. the living likes to think they are "stuck" and reliving their death over and over eternally...and that they could or should be set free and fear they could become one of the body-less dead.

Children and adults that die and come back---have great stories! Normally 1 man takes a group of dead people with him (groups because they died at hospitals).....the few that come back from the dead, were told it is NOT THEIR TIME YET and by miracle they start breathing and medical can never understand and often medical could not fix them----the man that told them to return, fixes them and surgeons live in fear.....because they know the dead person should not be alive based on all they know.

The most basic reason for living healthy is to live long enough to LEARN and DO what they have to......failing to do what it is they have to do---is not a good option.

The greatest prophet said people should be grateful every moment of life for their body. NONE ARE and surely those paranormal/dead people with no body---spend every moment wishing they had their body back and could do it all over..........NO ONE should want to do it all over and over and over and should, just learn the first time and MOVE ON.

The 1st rule is LOVE, God your creator just wants your LOVE and that LOVE is the miracle of life and miracles.....

God gives all, while when you set out searching on your own, you find the wrong people, you find the wrong EVERYTHING.....learning to trust and love God your creator is passage to MOVE ON. Earth is not home, if anything it is like a school.



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