Re: strangeness
I have had issues. I went to a GI doctor and he said constipation can cause anal seepage (even very mildly).
This at least what my issues was, I would wipe totally clean and a half hour later its like a film would form and it smelled. I had this since highschool and im 48, it made life miserable at parts.
What I want to share was he said i need to do two things (1) drink water as it loosens and softens stool so it will pass easier; (2) take in more fiber, he suggested the fiber gummies you can get at any drugstore.
UPDATE: Instead of fiber gummies I went to 1 apple a day and drinking more water; honestly I can tell daily if I have had my apple and my water intake.
I'm to the point I'd say it cures the condition or at least mine. It will certainly help!
Good luck friend!