By 1961
By 1961 Dr. Ellis, M.D. had proven fatty beef kills humans----they documented that all autopsies age 50+ had arteries plastered with rock and crystallized fats--
pre 1961 no such thing as round up ready corn---hormone corn, etc.
The Drs wanted the texas/usa ranchers to STOP feeding cattle corn------the problem was not the beef, but what they fed beef---CORN to make it FATTY with none digested accumulated corn fat.
The drs proved that lean beef, such as 6 month old calves reversed the conditions caused by none natural fats.
ONCE the colleges/gov understood that corn was the enemy to longevity--all the meat packers demanded corn fed can not sale a none corn fed, none hormone injected beef in the USA today to a commercial packer---they will not buy them--they demand the fatty beef--
EVERY good M.D. / Alternative Dr that had to participate in autopsies all wrote that the heart and arteries turn hard with ROCK MINERALS.
Dr. Ellis discovered he could "judge" the damage by looking at your hands--how stiff your hands are, if they tingle. IF you have any numbness or cramps.
His first discovery was damage done by corn fed beef---becaused he lived in TEXAS CATTLE COUNTRY and tried to convince ranchers to raise healthy beef--
he said most american aliments could be linked to fatty beef thanks to CORN----
back in 1961 if you got 50 bushels to the acre of corn---you were doing good and most was picked as whole ears and the elevator shelled the ears.
Fertilizer was cow poop
back in 1961 today's people would call that the good ole days of "ORGANIC"
Today's corn fed beef would be q frankenstein monster in Dr. Ellis standards.
You got poor circulation, bad heart, cramps, tingling nerves and just turning hard? CORN fat may play a role-----but dirty water is that ROCK hard stuff plastered through out your body----ROCK WATER
You make coffee with rock water and white sugar------liquid death.
YES, calves just drinking milk avoids the corn damage somewhat--- but grass fed avoids allot more problems---but the cow drinks dirty / hard water also and water gets you in many forms--especially vegetables are maxed with hard water.