13 m
Re: no!!! it is literally at your doorstep
5. things that can't be "ignored'
1. 20+ years ago aliens landed in South Africa at a public school and explained to al that electronics are bad for earth.
2. years ago the nasa type shows a top general stated that all "electronics' are alien tech, controlled by aliens. Anyone with a cell phone is tracked 24/7 as though a commercial livestock food.
3. Musk stated that underground are 10 acre complexes of computers that is essential AI and that those complexes must be bombed.
4. the airfare for years has flown 3,000 illegals into 50 american cities - none stop which is a full blown military event to destroy the USA
When the 50 cities burn to the ground---world war 1 will come to a c1imax.
5. Obama and the military leaders all 100% believe in "THE LADY" and that lady proved they known the future and that very soon, a biblical proportion event is going to change the entire world---1 day, if you wake up---your world is going to be 100% different. The main question is "if" you wake up----many believe the event will be the end for humanity as it is known today.....this event is the "sole" reason nasa was created in the first place and their time has about ran out--they failed their mission.