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troll bait alert
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troll bait alert

96,000+ babies born this year so far...

8 billion people

HOW many babies are murdered daily?

How many babies do white coast murder every year?
AT LEAST a BILLION+, many many more.

Dr. Paul Hooley, M.D. delivered many thousands of babies in his time. In the 1940's medical school he learned about how electricity causes babies to have leukemia and early 1960 he wrote a small hard back book explaining how birth control drugs never PREVENT CONCEPTION and kills the 1 day old baby----the baby has LIFE after conception and birth control drugs kills the baby.

The iliterate could care long as they don't see it...than you have girls that "enjoy" going to their local M.D. monthly and "scraping" out the several week old babies---white coats literally murder well over a billion babies yearly and who knows how many they killed in the past 4 years as vaccinated women entered the hospitals as they dropped their young babies---dead babies and nurses were instantly fired if they dared to mention the word--vaccine..

Then you have these demonic trolls---if they got their way, they would kill 100% of all babies until no human was left------only their race, because they are the only ones that stupid.
These trolls often buy children from different countries or pay women in different countries such as the ukraine to have their babies form them----just like cattle--no different--because the wealthy troll females do not want to harm their looks or experience the pains and the same trash will pay others to raise the child for them...

The world is full of females killing a billion + babies per year---never recorded, same as chemicals murders all the people on earth--over time, by white coat / military design. EVERY race, every lifetime poisoned.

Dr. Paul Hooley, M.D. believed in his king james bible to a degree, such as your harm/kill your baby--your trashed--not going to pass go, not going to make it.
Paul actually wrote the book for his race, his religion where they all have private churches with private cemeteries to keep all the others away------it is amazing how many people on earth can't stand the idea that a different race or different religion may share their cemetery. Paul's youngest son actually spent 10 years in africa as a dr with out borders and told his dad---they killed millions, 1 jab at a design.

The TROLLS want the elderly killed, the babies killed, the wrong races killed, the wrong religions killed and in 2023---these world wide college brain washed trolls all agreed in canada to kill 30% world wide by 2030 and 50% by 2050------china says they are the only country that has complied with the UN mandate----but, they are on a mass breeding program currently so they can produce hundreds of millions to enter and take over each country as they reduce 30%. IF ANY COUNTRY DARES QUESTION THE 30% MANDATE, china shows them the greatest military on earth-----

japan/china operates on a 100 year war system...these brain washed trolls are working for the 30% by 2030 and begging china to take over earth., they are anti-human

The brain washed trolls make no sense, they are 100% socialist/Marxists/communist the official name of the Chinese PARTY. WHEN YOU Have a Troll on the cure zone for 10 years, taken over by google---and showing how ignorant and evil it is---it is working for china/google take over of earth...seeking 100% slavery of all people. China requires all humans to be poisoned, diseased and eradicated------NO ONE KNOWS how many millions of americans were murdered in the past 4 years from 1 day old to 100 years old--by was many millions and many millions will succumb prematurely in time. Poisoned people eventually die of diseases and those that make their $$$ treating diseases are the "organized" for the past 150 years ---they insure is good for their business.

THIS TROLL should have a stone anchor around its neck for eternity and forced to watch the world meter showing babies being born none stop.....forced to watch babies being delivered.

BETTER YET, this troll should be forced to change baby diapers 24/7 for eternity.....




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