Yep *edited
"I've been selling my soul, working all day, overtime hours, for bullsh*t pay," the song starts. "So, I can sit out here and waste my life away. Drag back home and drown my troubles away."
The Matrix is one Huge Battery. Co-Creators such as ourself’s are Mini-Batteries funding lies and uselessness in this Matrix. That’s why there is shit Politics, shit Government, shit Schooling System, shit Food, shit Water Supply, shit Wars and shit EVERYTHING!
No one wants to wake up. Pray to Jesus redeem themselves. Become Sovereign. Reclaim there Energy.
Everyone gives there Power a way to people. But, it’s hard not to…
The way everything is in Construct in Order.
..It seems Bullshit! And it is..
Society is full of Vampires no matter where you go!
Society is dumbed down like what India has done to there Nation and America and China by infiltrating Moon Landings to show the General Public that God is dead and they have no Souls and there Big Bang and Evolution, there Ancestors are Monkeys… and nothing matters… in life. Like there free to do whatever and wherever! Like there’s no point in anything we do!
They can’t see it or feel it. Newport specifically said it would take 3 Generations to regain our Spiritual Gifts. You can go through Newports Frequency Scripts and realise the Infection is deep in the mind and body…
“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery and Ignorance is Strength.”