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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: amalgam and resin filling by toofache 17 years ago
You must be in politics. There is evidence of it in your attempts to avoid my questions. That link was just a dialogue between people. What science is behind your mercury claims? Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s scientific or strong evidence. I recommend you base your health decisions on information that can stand up to the scientific method. Your health is too precious to risk on unscientific claims. Now, again, if you can’t answer my original questions, you should stop trolling my posts. 15,825 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Amalgam Debate Dental Debate Facts/Science Myths

Re: Diatomaceous Earth Protocol: For human use? by Xelaetaks 9 years ago
Internet Troll- A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others. The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them. ”God, Jeromy won’t stop posting about Larry’s bad spelling in that conversation.” ”Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll.” 9,241 hits
Forum: Parasites Cleansing & Detox Ask CureZone Parasites: Skin Morgellons Parasites Protozoa

Re: Diatomaceous Earth Protocol: For human use? by Xelaetaks 9 years ago
What a stupid troll. Where would anyone get following your advice considering all you do is b*tch like an angry person? It isn’t worth arguing with people like smallaxecarbian. Why does he have three accounts (at least) on curezone, lol. That is something a troll would do. Some more things on trolling - Question: What Is an Internet ’Troll’? How Should I Deal With Trolls? Answer: An internet ’troll’ is an abusive or obnoxious user who uses shock value to promote arguments and disharmony in o ... 9,094 hits
Forum: Parasites Cleansing & Detox Ask CureZone Parasites: Skin Morgellons Parasites Protozoa

Re: A New Years' Resolution - "Resist Fascism" by superhero 17 years ago
Dark’s words seem appropriate for this post. ”My question is this...Why in the world did anyone respond to this post? Rather then posting a single issue or a news story to discuss, he posts these super troll lists as bait to pull you all in and that’s why he is enjoying this thread so much. Stop responding to his posts unless he posts an issue to discuss or something worthwhile. I don’t care what perspective he has ”con or lib” but just post a real issue for us to argue not this troll s**t.” -- Darkgatherer Dark...Surely you agree? 918 hits 0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Politics Debate

Re: Trolling R by John Cullison 20 years ago
Don’t feed ’em. Trolls only exist on the power given by others. Even the ”OOOOOHMMMMM” game you guys are having just keeps it alive. It’s kinda like a tennis game. If you want it to stop, just stop hitting the ball back. Sure, the rules of the game say that if you don’t hit the ball back, then you lose, but dealing with trolls isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about not living the lie that an agreement of some sort can be reached, or some common ground found, between yourself and the troll. You already know that cannot happen. The only thing the troll will accept is that he i ... 2,024 hits
Forum: Webmaster [A]

Being a troll or defending against trolls! by 2Sirius 15 years ago
This guy is a complete joke! He has all this so called inside info yet he has only been posting at curezone since earlier today including supporting the trolls who where just banned! I only argue with trolls godguy and there are many ,so if you call defending against trolls trolling fine by me as long as sensible people who I respect can tell the difference between being a troll and dealing with trolls! 10,404 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH

An Internet Troll by spudlydoo 12 years ago An Internet troll is someone who posts offensive, controversial, or divisive material on an Internet community. Trolls are an unfortunately common occurrence on many communities across the Internet, and there are various steps which can be taken to combat them. If you are currently struggling with an Internet troll, the best thing to do is to walk away, since trolls feed on attention, and they will usually disappear if they are ignored. The evolution of the Internet troll was a slow process which began as computer users started ... 2,473 hits
Forum: Renewable & Sustainable F.Y.I. Off-Topic

Re: troll def. by uchihaMadara 11 years ago
allow me to elaborate on the past observations Hv as well I noticed that when trolls attack, they crave the attention you provide. For example, when you provide a troll with a long, explicatory response, a troll will often consider your response as serious and, hence, worthy of further trolling. As long as you give trolls attention, it is synonymous with feeding them. However, people that do not agree with your way, or thinking, and do not attack you or your methodology, but do attack your sources of information aren’t technically trolls. But you already know this. Yet, I noticed you ... 2,489 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Troll ---- why it sounds just like???????????? by #2974 17 years ago
Internet Troll / Forum Troll ”Netiquette Guidelines” What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll? An ”Internet troll” or ”Forum Troll” is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war. A classic CureZone troll is trying to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attit ... 466 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Evolution Debate

How to deal with "Internet Trolls" by #50553 18 years ago
Unfortunately some people have nothing better to do than to use their intelligence to try to do damage to others. --------------------------Internet Troll / Forum Troll-------------------------------- ”Netiquette Guidelines” What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll? An ”Internet troll” or ”Forum Troll” is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end ... 536 hits 2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Glyconutrients

Re: I totally agree with you, Glaxony........... by grizz 9 years ago
Glaxony, To be honest with you, I copied that definition of a Troll from the internet. I like your definition much better. Yes indeed, Trolls are VERY good at starting a fight. They DELIGHT in starting fights. Marks Daily Apple has a valuable Button that can be pressed to IGNORE posts by such Trolls. Once you click on a message, all future messages by that person are hidden from your view. It is called the IGNORE button. If someone gets my goat, I just stop reading their messages & ignore them. Very easy. When we get upset over a Troll’s messages, THEY WIN and get their satisfactio ... 1,413 hits
Forum: Personal Conflict

Reminder of posting guidelines by moderator butterfly 19 years ago
The following information is taken from the Posting Guidelines. Please read them and familiarize yourself with our rules. Any posts that do not comply with these guidelines will be hidden and the offending poster may be banned. Thank you, Moderator butterfly Why do some members get blocked? By defaulult, all curezone members have the equal posting privilege, but ... If you are ”trolling” or abusing support forums, you get blocked. If you are abusing debate forums, you get blocked. If you repeatedly ignore rules listed on this page, you get blocked. If you are sendi ... 413 hits
Forum: Politics Debate

Re: Why is this allowed on a support forum webmaster??????? by Hveragerthi 12 years ago
I stopped posting in the Support Forums soon after you arrived HV. I got sick and tired of being attacked by you every time I did and nothing being done about it! ROTFLMAO!!! Look who is talking. All you do is attack people. In fact I encourage people to take a look at your posting history to see how many of your posts have nothing to do with support but are rather all about your troll activities. Every single time someone wanted advice on pH balancing or info on certain minerals you jumped in like a troll confusing those seeking help and scari ... 8,021 hits 4 of 11 (36%)
Forum: Webmaster Debate

The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls by Bugsy193 9 years ago View Entire Thread 2 The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls Posted on August 21, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name What’s confusing you Is the nature of my game - The Rolling Stones What’s Confusing You Is the Nature of Their Game The reason that Internet trolls are effective is that people still don’t understand their game. There are 15 commonly-used trolling tactics to disrupt, misdirect and control internet discussions. As one interesting example, trolls start flame war ... 494 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Also, what is a Troll? by unyquity 16 years ago
Fantastic! Funny, cute, and intelligent...but not so funny or cute - all at the same time. Please guide us/me...what is the appropriate reaction/post to a troll’s post. It seems anything that would expose or bring to light the truth CONSISTENTLY causes disruption... as some don’t believe in trolls; some don’t believe ’that’ particular poster is a trolls; some recognize trolls, but think that exposing is the same thing as ’negatively accusing’; some are ’average’ in regards to trolls; and some are ”troll paranoid” or ”troll challenged”. I do not like the flow of this VERY important ... 1,277 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Re: Fear of saliva CURED by #214858 6 years ago
Whatever im healed and you people wont lick your lips you are actually the troll a troll is someone who posts things to get people upset and start things. You calling me troll is just you being a troll. Anyways i dont care anymore good luck never licking it really seem to work for the last 20 years oh wait it didnt byemy guess you will behave this for all your life good luk getting mama to buy you all gluten free lol 1,169 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips

A troll is a troll is a troll by parazapper 7 years ago
A troll is a troll is a troll. One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned. First, they like zappers but zappers are no good oh and but they don’t work for this, oh and they don’t work for that and so forth. Oh and then all zapper sellers do is lie. 2,190 hits
Forum: Zapper Support

Another TROLL In The Forums by akyriel 19 years ago View Entire Thread 4
1.) In the Spamming section you discuss a great deal about Trolling Forums, however there is NO LINK to a forum moderator to suggest the deletion and banning of a troll. There is NO ”Contact Us” link on any page that I can find. 2.) There is a troll that has had their posts deleted before; and who is back on the boards at: with the topic of ”Benjamin Baruch”. This person spams this board under the names ”justthefacts”, ”ozarkbarbie”, ”linuxdude” and others by posting their libelous website Will you please d ... 847 hits
Forum: Webmaster Debate

Re: Post re: my last controversial post and relationships by been there done that 15 years ago
Roooth, Don’t put an end to ”controversial” posts, they make life interesting (because there is no malice). Once in a while, Curezone gets a visit from ”trolls”. Because they never really were treated with respect and have always been in the habit of doing things that they should be self-conscious about (unjust things), they come here to ”make a name for themselves” by attacking others and playing bigshot. They are not SMART (evil is illogical), they are ”sly” (cunning with sneaky schemes) and use colorful/disrectful language meant to alienate/demoralize/train others to accept ridicu ... 1,336 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Relationship

Re: from you know who to you know who about you know who by grizz 9 years ago
”My best recommendation for him is to get his own forum.” Ginagirl, I do feel honored by your recommendation. However, as you can clearly see, the Curezone is infested & overrun with Trolls who cannot be stopped. They have organized Teams of Trolls who sign in as new users to come & attack us. Trolls who were banned simply sign back in as a new user to continue trolling. They use Fake ID’s that can’t be tracked. The Trolls especially enjoy attacking & destroying anyone who attempts to help people. Hence the reason for viciously attacking Trapper 24/7. Yes you are on their ... 1,294 hits
Forum: Iodine Debate

Conventions by aging tree 13 years ago View Entire Thread 13
There are conventions ruling this forum. For those being concerned but also for those who do not feel concerned: Excerpts from the article ”Internet Trolls” Copyright © 2001 by Timothy Campbell July 13 2001 Edition What is an Internet Troll? An Internet ”troll” is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people. Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don’t ”get” that they are hurting re ... 1,268 hits
Forum: Rife

Re: "Not gallstones" Dr Blonz is a med quack! by #94312 15 years ago
Between you and the Doctor you have about 30 posts on Curezone and everyone is a clear case of misinformation uninformed biases and half truths meant to deceive in this forum only! The agenda is obvious! But to what avail? lol! thanks for the wisdom of the webmaster to allow these trolls to exist but only in this seldom observed forum tucked away in the dungeon of Curezone where they belong! I love the long posts my the doc, troll number one who obviously takes his agenda seriously and to the ever present troll accomplice who while troll # one smothers us with his toiled over misinformati ... 4,792 hits 2 of 4 (50%)
Forum: Liver Flush Debate

Re: The Horrors of Gallbladder Surgery! by #94312 15 years ago
Ignorance is not to be tolerated and neither are trolls ! From my first post replying to this string of misinformation troll number two flamed and baited, the pattern was put into motion by people who do not have a clue of what they speak! None of you dissenters have tried the flushes so your are speaking out of ignorance, no word is more suited to your bashing something based purely on a few articles made up my establishment shills! Troll number two after giving my testimony to the benefits of the flushes told me after expressing my experience that I didn’t know what I was talking about! ... 3,680 hits 1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Liver Flush Debate

Image Embedded troll alert!!! by #129589 13 years ago
Internet Troll / Forum Troll "Netiquette Guidelines" What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll? An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulli ... 1,322 hits 1 of 4 (25%)
Forum: Politics Debate

Image Embedded Re: amalgam and resin filling by Aharleygyrl 16 years ago
Internet Troll / Forum Troll "Netiquette Guidelines" What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll? An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war. A classic CureZone troll is trying to make us bel ... 14,997 hits
Forum: Amalgam Debate Dental Debate Facts/Science Myths

Image Embedded Re: amalgam and resin filling by Aharleygyrl 16 years ago
Internet Troll / Forum Troll "Netiquette Guidelines" What is an Internet Troll/ Forum troll? An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war. A classic CureZone troll is trying to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisiv ... 14,904 hits
Forum: Amalgam Debate Dental Debate Facts/Science Myths

why do people ‘troll’? RRR by Bugsy193 10 years ago View First 20 Messages of 45
Good info, but they forgot the politically motivated troll with an agenda. When they’re not spray-painting swastikas on their own synagogues they’re out trolling the internet. ------------------------------------------------------- WHY DO PEOPLE ‘TROLL’? We have been studying Troll behavior for many years, and find that the main reason they act this way is because of mental health issues or psychological problems. This has been discussed in depth with psychologists and therapists, and they have come to the same conclusions: That trolls are people with serious socialogical, ps ... 4,760 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: My experience - shrinking thyroid nodules with iodine... by grizz 11 years ago
Wombat, If you want to see an INSANE ASYLUM of Trolls, take a peek at MDA today. I posted a few factual messages and it drove the Trolls CRAZY. It is like stirring up a hornets nest! They can’t handle a factual message. This is a very interesting study on how bad the Trolls get. AMAZING! It is a miracle you don’t have the Troll Problems over here. The Trolls infect every message board, so MDA is not much different than other message boards when it comes to Trolls. What is totally strange is that I haven’t seen an ... 10,181 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Re: Saul Pressman is an honest caring man doing his best by #111428 6 years ago
The CBC is well known to be in cohoots with Health Canada and therefore in cohoots with Big Pharma and so I stopped listening to them long ago. They do no research just put out the message from the shills @ HC. I wouldn’t doubt that this is a troll who posted this. Not saying it is, just the telltale signs. 5,061 hits
Forum: Oxygen

Re: Dr. Schulze til I can afford LBB by #132938 13 years ago
Click on this man’s name and see his record of posting on CZ. He may be a troll. Flooded the Humaworm forums, would not follow the protocol Dr. Bailey gave him, and quit when he was asked to stop flooding the forum with meaningless questions. He does not want help, he wants someone to give him constant attention and hand holding. He will not follow the protocol you give him, and he will badmouth you on the next forum he goes to. 1,278 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: I dare you by AustinM 13 years ago
Your message: ”Are you going to continue with this trolling monkeytime? Your childish personal attacks are a great advertisment for your beliefs, we’ve seen it all before, you are doing nothing new here, but confirming your ignorance. spud” It seems you are the real constant troll. Claiming and stating that you behave well, well here is an example that shows you are not really as you claim to be. So stop name calling and making false accusations, you have done it many times before. 3,247 hits
Forum: Christianity Debate

Re: Are you spamming for moreless/monkeytime? by bewnyfur 13 years ago
”In relation to (bewnyfur) I find him/her constantly on Spuds back which to me indicates to me that (bewnyfur) ”APPEARS to be trolling”, (read my post) properly.” Trolling implies that someone is baiting their messages, not responding to distortion. If anyone has been trolling it has been you and IC. 7,646 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Christianity Debate End Times Debate Politics Debate Off-Topic Evolution Debate Religion Debate

Re: from you know who to you know who about you know who by #89471 9 years ago
Well, I think you win the prize for mentioning the word ’troll’ the most times in a single post. Other than that, I’m pretty much speechless! If you’re that concerned about trolls, then you really should start your own forum. I think you probably should give PamelaR an apology though, because its pretty obvious she isnt a troll. I hope you find inner peace Grizz, because it’s obvious you’re dealing with a lot of stress and turmoil. 1,251 hits
Forum: Iodine Debate

Re: --Webmaster-- by Celcius 16 years ago
While this may be true, all in all this never would have been allowed had these continuous redundant attacks been against Andreas! The whole of the Curezone team and Spirit would have joined in to stop it no matter how many establishment studies where introduced! I find it hard to beleive such devisive and disruptive messages can be an asset for Curezone! These new style trolls are more effective and have devided Curezone more then any other trolls of the past could accomplish! 1,004 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH

Attention: FORUM DESCRIPTION GUIDELINES by Moderator5A5 19 years ago View Entire Thread 26
To all posters: Please be advised that this forum operates under the following forum description guidelines: This debate forum is designated for any debatable subject that pertains to Christianity. Please keep debates centered around Christian topics, and civilized - no personal attacks will be tolerated. Also this Christian debate forum is not to debunk Christianity or the Christian faith, but to discuss the many debatable issues and discrepancies among denominations. A number of posts which have come up recently on this page are patently contrary to this description. Please be ... 2,339 hits
Forum: Christianity Debate

Day one! ignore the troll! by #61457 17 years ago
Tired of the insults and baiting? Ignore it, dont respond, let him flail away! From the posting guidelines. When trolls are ignored they step up their attacks, desperately seeking the attention they crave. Their messages become more and more foul, and they post ever more of them. Alternatively, they may protest that their right to free speech is being curtailed. Perhaps the most difficult challenge for a webmaster is deciding whether to take steps against a troll that a few people find entertaining. Some trolls do have a creative spark and have chosen to squander it on being disrupt ... 555 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Abortion Debate

Re: Trying to figure out what is happening!!! by Faith110 9 years ago
I agree that this place has become a madhouse, but you and I both know that no matter where we go there will always be trolls. Tis the unfortunate nature of the wild wild west..err I mean world wide web. Perhaps the moderators have just had enough of it, and are removing posts with even the slightest inkling of trouble even if they are educational. Sucks that a few trolls had to ruin it for everyone. Reminds me of kindergarten..there was always those couple of kids who wouldn’t stop causing trouble and in turn everyone had to forfeit recess :( 4,424 hits
Forum: Adrenal Fatigue Acid Reflux Anxiety Ask CureZone Bone Spurs

Re: Why is this allowed on a support forum webmaster??????? by RyanD 12 years ago
I stopped posting in the support forums soon after you arrived HV. I got sick and tired of being attacked by you every time I did and nothing being done about it! Every single time someone wanted advice on pH balancing or info on certain minerals you jumped in like a troll confusing those seeking help and scaring them away! You have vowed to discredit this protocol just like any establishment med troll would do. You really do not belong on any alternative health sites because there is no alternatives with you ,only your way and nothing else like a pig at slop trough you want it all for ... 8,043 hits 5 of 9 (55%)
Forum: Webmaster Debate

Re: an observation by spudlydoo 13 years ago
Actually, I did not specify or name anyone, I was posting an observation. I fail to see that there is any ’personal’ attack in the post by IC, it is merely a comment on the videos presented in the original post. I like to know why you think this is a ’personal’ attack, and who the person is, that you think is being attacked. I see the use of the term ’troll’ bandied about a lot in the debate forums. Just because someone posts something you don’t agree with, does not make them a ’troll’. Personal attacks are the favorite method of an actual troll though. And there are several posters ... 4,847 hits 0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Christianity Debate

i agree completely it was in wrong forum by Wrenn 19 years ago
but it was the only post along that subject that was posted/ if there had been a body of similar posts by the person yes it would be seen as trolling. it was definitely in wrong forum and i will hope was a genuine mistake. if it is repeated then most definitley it could be contructed as trolling. that is why i am posting this response that this sort of subject matter belongs on DEBATE forum not on SUPPORT forum if it is repeated it most definitely could be considered as a possible troll activity i am sure., as now the person knows this topic belongs on DEBATE 8) 897 hits
Forum: Christianity Debate

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Re: Right side body pain by #83944 78 min ago 7 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by #83944 13 days ago 28 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by #83944 14 days ago 26 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by #83944 14 days ago 23 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by #83944 14 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: mineral/vitamin supplements by #83944 14 days ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: careful what you wish for by #83944 15 days ago 25 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by #83944 15 days ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
careful what you wish for by #83944 15 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
His wishlist says it all. by #83944 15 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Enoch by #83944 18 days ago 62 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Only 1 by #83944 19 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Curezone understood by #83944 21 days ago 31 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Digging up bones by #83944 22 days ago 76 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: waking up in heaven by #83944 23 days ago 38 Ask Trapper
Re: Only 1 by #83944 23 days ago 74 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Trolls by #83944 23 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: for those that can read by #83944 23 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Soon by #83944 23 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: Digging up bones by #83944 24 days ago 101 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Cure by #83944 24 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: for those that can read by #83944 24 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: for those that can read by #83944 25 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: John was correct by #83944 25 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: Bee Venom by #83944 29 days ago 62 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by #83944 30 days ago 80 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Macular Degeneration and SEED OILS by #83944 30 days ago 72 Ask Trapper
Re:PERFECT IODINE by #83944 30 days ago 40 Ask Trapper
Re: not everything by #83944 30 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re:PERFECT IODINE by #83944 30 days ago 68 Ask Trapper
Re: older post by #83944 31 days ago 96 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: older post by #83944 31 days ago 99 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re:PERFECT IODINE by #83944 31 days ago 51 Ask Trapper
Re: Fats by #83944 32 days ago 65 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Any remedy for lower like when did the pain st... by #83944 32 days ago 138 Ask Trapper
Re: The "OPPORTUNITY" by #83944 32 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The "OPPORTUNITY" by #83944 32 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Any remedy for lower like when did the pain st... by #83944 32 days ago 82 Ask Trapper
Re: Any remedy for lower like when did the pain st... by #83944 32 days ago 84 Ask Trapper
Re: Those that can read by #83944 33 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: its just a little poison.... by #83944 33 days ago 71 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 34 days ago 65 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 34 days ago 63 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 34 days ago 69 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 34 days ago 66 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 34 days ago 77 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 35 days ago 62 Ask Trapper
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 35 days ago 62 Ask Trapper
Re: The cure for Colitis ulcerosa, IBS (Irritable ... by #83944 35 days ago 69 Diabetes Type I † C †
Re: Money by #83944 35 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by #83944 35 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 77k by #83944 35 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 77k by #83944 35 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: goddamn the mcdonalds pusherman by #83944 35 days ago 96 Ask Trapper
Re: Money by #83944 36 days ago 59 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The zone by #83944 36 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: providing for the traffickers by #83944 36 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by #83944 36 days ago 95 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by #83944 37 days ago 76 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by #83944 37 days ago 94 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: flipper by #83944 37 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: I Make $20/Hour And I'm Still Homeless by #83944 37 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: I Make $20/Hour And I'm Still Homeless by #83944 37 days ago 69 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "fat" diet by #83944 38 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: whole foods by #83944 38 days ago 47 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Their FAT by #83944 38 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "fat" diet by #83944 38 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: "dust" by #83944 40 days ago 59 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: "dust" by #83944 40 days ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The "possessed' by #83944 40 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: KING of Herbs by #83944 40 days ago 77 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Like The Sunglasses From “They Live” The Milit... by #83944 41 days ago 52 Ask Trapper
Re: Water by #83944 41 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: KING of Herbs by #83944 41 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: KING of Herbs by #83944 41 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Do your research by #83944 41 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Do your research by #83944 42 days ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by #83944 42 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by #83944 42 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Do your research by #83944 42 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Do your research by #83944 43 days ago 63 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 17 years ago by #83944 44 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: she tells what she believes by #83944 44 days ago 40 Ask Trapper
Re: The sickest creature on planet earth by #83944 44 days ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by #83944 44 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by #83944 44 days ago 81 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The 11 Most Anti-Christian Companies by #83944 45 days ago 62 Ask Trapper
Re: keto save us by #83944 45 days ago 76 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 1,000's by #83944 46 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The year of the APPLE by #83944 46 days ago 86 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The year of the APPLE by #83944 46 days ago 97 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan Review by #83944 47 days ago 69 Keto Diet
Re: the "Best" by #83944 48 days ago 71 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Pork Chop Diet by #83944 48 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Pork Chop Diet by #83944 48 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 71 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 67 Ask Barefoot Herbali
keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 84 Ask Barefoot Herbali
keto save us by #83944 48 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Life by #83944 48 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Has anyone killed a tapeworm(s). Whats the ea... by #83944 49 days ago 118 Parasites (Alt.) † C †
Re: question for MH by #83944 49 days ago 69 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: question for MH by #83944 49 days ago 75 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Troll Cure by #83944 50 days ago 88 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Sore spot bottom of Sternum by #83944 50 days ago 51 Heart Palpitations † C †
Re: i believe this is what happened to white peopl... by #83944 50 days ago 71 Ask Trapper
Re: The Troll Cure by #83944 50 days ago 67 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Carnivore Live Chat with Dr Anthony Chaffee, S... by #83944 51 days ago 60 Ask Trapper
Re: Sugar and Sciatic Pain by #83944 51 days ago 91 Ask CureZone † C †
Re: Fall out by #83944 51 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fall out by #83944 51 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Troll Cure by #83944 51 days ago 111 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Carnivore Live Chat with Dr Anthony Chaffee, S... by #83944 51 days ago 67 Ask Trapper
Re: Fall out by #83944 56 days ago 95 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: toy sub by #83944 56 days ago 113 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: dr b by #83944 56 days ago 71 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Troll Food by #83944 56 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Jesus by #83944 56 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: alzheimer's by #83944 56 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Father's Day by #83944 58 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The ring for the pig by #83944 58 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: ice cream by #83944 58 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Dr. Sears by #83944 59 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: sugar by #83944 60 days ago 83 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Cure by #83944 60 days ago 108 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by #83944 61 days ago 77 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Good health on carnivorism? by #83944 61 days ago 81 Ask Trapper
Re: Robert by #83944 61 days ago 85 Ask Barefoot Herbali
How i opened my bileduct by #83944 62 days ago 32 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by #83944 62 days ago 67 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by #83944 62 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by #83944 63 days ago 112 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by #83944 63 days ago 138 Ask Trapper
Re: The cure for all by #83944 65 days ago 107 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by #83944 65 days ago 155 Ask Trapper
Re: Life by #83944 3 months ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Help by #83944 4 months ago 99 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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Re: Those that fail by legna 3 h ago 6 Ask Trapper
Re: fvck tvck by legna 6 h ago 9 Ask Trapper
Re: xxxx by legna 22 h ago 7 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: American Beef by legna 46 h ago 12 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: none human by legna 50 h ago 14 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: curezone by legna 50 h ago 10 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: American Beef by legna 58 h ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The largest by legna 71 h ago 12 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Yahweh's Murder Rap Sheet Part 1 by legna 3 days ago 11 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The largest by legna 3 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "lost" by legna 4 days ago 17 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: OMG by legna 4 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "lost" by legna 5 days ago 18 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "lost" by legna 5 days ago 20 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "lost" by legna 5 days ago 25 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the "lost" by legna 5 days ago 30 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Silicon Valley's Online Slave Market - Full docume... by legna 5 days ago 18 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Image Embedded Re: Cucumbers by legna 5 days ago 20 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Ezekiel by legna 6 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: weather by legna 7 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: humans by legna 7 days ago 17 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: thugs by legna 7 days ago 18 Ask Trapper
Re: basic rules by legna 7 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
tromp by legna 8 days ago 13 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Al-- by legna 8 days ago 26 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Survival of the Fittest by legna 8 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: whats for dinner by legna 8 days ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: ebe 3 by legna 8 days ago 26 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: No Wonder by legna 8 days ago 23 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Longevity by legna 8 days ago 12 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The New World Order Agenda by legna 8 days ago 33 Ask Trapper
Re: Daddy, is Jake Sullivan in my closet? by legna 8 days ago 31 Ask Trapper
Re: Part 3 by legna 9 days ago 23 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: part 2 by legna 9 days ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 70 plus species by legna 9 days ago 13 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: for the trolls by legna 9 days ago 13 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: for the trolls by legna 9 days ago 9 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Nasa's Martian RocknRolla Gives The Game Away. by legna 9 days ago 23 Ask Trapper
Re: for the trolls by legna 9 days ago 15 Ask Barefoot Herbali
brandon-joe:williams - How to have infinite money ... by legna 9 days ago 9 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Eagle Vs. Wolf!! by legna 10 days ago 10 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Angels by legna 10 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Angels by legna 10 days ago 32 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Mark of the beast? by legna 10 days ago 28 Ask Trapper
Re: Dr. Christopher by legna 11 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: chris by legna 11 days ago 20 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Lazarus by legna 11 days ago 18 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: How Yahweh Used Christianity to Conquer the Go... by legna 12 days ago 32 Ask Trapper
Re: Child like by legna 12 days ago 25 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Child like by legna 12 days ago 28 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Child like by legna 12 days ago 28 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 12 days ago 22 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Murderous Uncontacted Tribes Of The Amazon... by legna 12 days ago 16 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: left and right by legna 12 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Murderous Uncontacted Tribes Of The Amazon... by legna 12 days ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
The Murderous Uncontacted Tribes Of The Amazon: by legna 13 days ago 22 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: step by step by legna 13 days ago 16 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: step by step by legna 13 days ago 18 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: What I hate by legna 13 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Elijah by legna 14 days ago 36 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: three by legna 14 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Just "think" by legna 14 days ago 24 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fuel by legna 14 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 15 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: careful what you wish for by legna 15 days ago 21 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 70,000 by legna 15 days ago 26 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 70,000 by legna 15 days ago 27 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 70,000 by legna 15 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 16 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 16 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: mineral/vitamin supplements by legna 16 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 16 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 40 years by legna 16 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the old home by legna 16 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the old home by legna 16 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 6,000 by legna 17 days ago 28 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Chemtrail Cowboy Song by legna 17 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 6,000 by legna 17 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The 84 people by legna 18 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Enoch by legna 18 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: cherry pickers by legna 18 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Enoch by legna 19 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 9 heavens by legna 19 days ago 24 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 9 heavens by legna 19 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 9 heavens by legna 19 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: aliens today by legna 19 days ago 49 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: skin walkers by legna 20 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Solar by legna 21 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The EVIL History of Fluoride by legna 22 days ago 35 Ask Trapper
Re: Curezone understood by legna 22 days ago 27 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Trolls by legna 23 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Only 1 by legna 23 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Soon by legna 23 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Soon by legna 23 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Soon by legna 24 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: for those that can read by legna 24 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Only 1 by legna 24 days ago 88 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: South Africa’s Descent into Chaos by legna 24 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
South Africa’s Descent into Chaos by legna 24 days ago 72 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: step by step by legna 25 days ago 25 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: for those that can read by legna 25 days ago 47 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: educational show by legna 25 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 108 eggs by legna 26 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: John was correct by legna 26 days ago 30 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: flies by legna 26 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Tid Bits by legna 26 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: All Related by legna 27 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Working to Death in South Korea by legna 27 days ago 23 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Birmingham teen murdered in Stourbridge (street ne... by legna 28 days ago 29 Ask Barefoot Herbali
They can do WHAT by legna 29 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Bible History by legna 29 days ago 72 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Birthgap documentary by legna 29 days ago 24 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 29 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 47 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: legna be like by legna 30 days ago 71 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: just one by legna 30 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: just one by legna 30 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: just one by legna 30 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: where it may come from by legna 31 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fuel by legna 31 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: not everything by legna 31 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: No Love by legna 32 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The "OPPORTUNITY" by legna 32 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the holes by legna 32 days ago 83 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: over counter by legna 32 days ago 32 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Those that can read by legna 33 days ago 36 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Those that can read by legna 33 days ago 28 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Those that can read by legna 33 days ago 24 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by legna 35 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 77k by legna 35 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by legna 35 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 77k by legna 36 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 77k by legna 36 days ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The zone by legna 36 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by legna 36 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
providing for the traffickers by legna 36 days ago 31 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Money by legna 37 days ago 108 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: flipper by legna 37 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
The Extreme 996 Work Culture in China by legna 37 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
American Street Kid Feature Documentary by legna 37 days ago 22 Ask Barefoot Herbali
I Make $20/Hour And I'm Still Homeless by legna 37 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Their FAT by legna 38 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Holy mothers by legna 38 days ago 26 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Their FAT by legna 38 days ago 59 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: whole foods by legna 38 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Would be FUN by legna 38 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Earth Wobble by legna 39 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Rabbits by legna 39 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The "possessed' by legna 40 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: high jackers by legna 40 days ago 53 Ask Trapper
Re: The "possessed' by legna 40 days ago 62 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: "dust" by legna 40 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Like The Sunglasses From “They Live” The Milit... by legna 41 days ago 62 Ask Trapper
Re: Life is delightful by legna 41 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Life is delightful by legna 41 days ago 46 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: FACT by legna 41 days ago 36 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Water by legna 41 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Dubai Properties by legna 41 days ago 22 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: KING of Herbs by legna 41 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Do your research by legna 42 days ago 65 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by legna 42 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: a great thread AND reminder by legna 43 days ago 26 Debate Mosaic
Re: why humans left the cities long ago by legna 43 days ago 31 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 17 years ago by legna 44 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 47 m by legna 44 days ago 53 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The sickest creature on planet earth by legna 44 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The constable by legna 44 days ago 27 Ask Trapper
Re: The internet knows troll repellent by legna 44 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: knock knock by legna 44 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The 4th of july by legna 45 days ago 32 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Radiation by legna 45 days ago 103 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Troll History by legna 45 days ago 105 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The 11 Most Anti-Christian Companies by legna 46 days ago 65 Ask Trapper
Re: 1,000's by legna 46 days ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The year of the APPLE by legna 46 days ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Ask Barefoot Herbalist by legna 46 days ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: your not alone by legna 47 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Farmers and gardens by legna 47 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: curezoe owner by legna 47 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Farmers and gardens by legna 48 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: perfect diet by legna 48 days ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Men by legna 48 days ago 37 Ask Trapper
Re: Life by legna 48 days ago 44 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: toy sub by legna 49 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The LIVER by legna 49 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: i need gallbladder help by legna 50 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: i need gallbladder help by legna 50 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Troll Cure by legna 50 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: richie tells solid truth by legna 50 days ago 69 Ask Trapper
china by legna 52 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fall out by legna 53 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fall out by legna 53 days ago 58 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: a prophecy of bill gates by legna 54 days ago 114 Ask Trapper
Re: Why Balloons? by legna 54 days ago 49 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 100 miles per gallon of gas by legna 54 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The Troll Cure by legna 54 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 100 miles per gallon of gas by legna 55 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: a prophecy of bill gates by legna 55 days ago 63 Ask Trapper
Re: toy sub by legna 56 days ago 91 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fall out by legna 56 days ago 92 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Gene-edited salads are hitting the grocery she... by legna 56 days ago 54 Ask Trapper
Re: All Doctors are Contract Killers for Big Pharm... by legna 56 days ago 82 Ask Trapper
Re: alzheimer's by legna 56 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Troll $175 solution by legna 56 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Fall out by legna 56 days ago 76 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: dr b by legna 56 days ago 55 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: toy sub by legna 56 days ago 69 Ask Barefoot Herbali
'native' indian slave owners by legna 57 days ago 27 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: alzheimer's by legna 57 days ago 72 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: All Doctors are Contract Killers for Big Pharm... by legna 57 days ago 68 Ask Trapper
Re: mark dice - what balls he has by legna 57 days ago 67 Ask Trapper
Re: Jesus by legna 57 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 3 sick trolls by legna 57 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: world meter by legna 57 days ago 30 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The ring for the pig by legna 57 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 3 sick trolls by legna 57 days ago 63 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: world meter by legna 58 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: ice cream by legna 58 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The ring for the pig by legna 58 days ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: ice cream by legna 58 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Father's Day by legna 58 days ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: ice cream by legna 58 days ago 60 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: All Doctors are Contract Killers for Big Pharm... by legna 58 days ago 93 Ask Trapper
Re: Dr. Sears by legna 59 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Sanfran by legna 59 days ago 39 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Good health on carnivorism? by legna 60 days ago 55 Ask Trapper
Re: sugar by legna 60 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Gut Bomb Diet by legna 61 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The curezone by legna 61 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by legna 62 days ago 87 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by legna 62 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by legna 63 days ago 88 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by legna 63 days ago 81 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The cure for all by legna 64 days ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Robert by legna 64 days ago 86 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by legna 64 days ago 146 Ask Trapper
Re: Kennedy by legna 64 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diabetics by legna 64 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The cure for all by legna 64 days ago 78 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by legna 64 days ago 143 Ask Trapper
Re: The cure for all by legna 64 days ago 62 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Asking Hunter-Gatherers Life's Toughest Questi... by legna 65 days ago 76 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by legna 65 days ago 158 Ask Trapper
Asking Hunter-Gatherers Life's Toughest Questions by legna 66 days ago 79 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Longevity by legna 66 days ago 57 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The only way by legna 67 days ago 43 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Vegas by legna 67 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: veganism is a mental illness by legna 67 days ago 173 Ask Trapper
Re: meat eaters by legna 67 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diseases by legna 68 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: youve got to be lied to at full volume over a ... by legna 68 days ago 49 Ask Trapper
Re: 7.5% by legna 68 days ago 47 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: top 3 by legna 70 days ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Woman Wakes Up after a 20-Year Long Coma: by legna 70 days ago 25 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: foods by legna 72 days ago 79 Ask Trapper
Re: Life is delightful by legna 72 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Hell is Repetition by legna 72 days ago 45 Ask Trapper
Life is delightful by legna 73 days ago 80 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: the root cause of all evil by legna 73 days ago 41 Ask Barefoot Herbali
the root cause of all evil by legna 73 days ago 103 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: so they say by legna 75 days ago 65 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Living and Dying on the River in Brazil by legna 75 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Living and Dying on the River in Brazil by legna 76 days ago 86 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The BIGGEST Lie in the History of Medicine" D... by legna 79 days ago 67 Ask Trapper
Re: The Curezone by legna 79 days ago 67 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 6 toe by legna 79 days ago 42 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: they should know by legna 79 days ago 67 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The surgeons by legna 79 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: never a mistake by legna 80 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: speed by legna 80 days ago 84 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: endocrine by legna 80 days ago 45 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: nothing new by legna 80 days ago 63 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: nothing new by legna 80 days ago 82 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: by 1959 by legna 80 days ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The robots by legna 80 days ago 48 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: city water by legna 81 days ago 70 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The fountain of youth by legna 81 days ago 113 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: honey by legna 81 days ago 61 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: The fountain of youth by legna 81 days ago 86 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Those magnificent globies & their toy collections. by legna 81 days ago 33 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: honey by legna 82 days ago 90 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: honey by legna 82 days ago 78 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: honey by legna 82 days ago 71 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: honey by legna 82 days ago 77 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Living by legna 82 days ago 47 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: orange juice by legna 83 days ago 51 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Health by legna 83 days ago 49 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 81 Ask Trapper
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 74 Ask Trapper
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 67 Ask Trapper
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 97 Ask Trapper
Re: You are alone by legna 84 days ago 79 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Curezone trolls by legna 84 days ago 74 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Curezone trolls by legna 84 days ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 103 Ask Trapper
Re: Curezone trolls by legna 84 days ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 84 Ask Trapper
Re: is it spherical? by legna 84 days ago 77 Ask Trapper
the right thing t do by legna 85 days ago 19 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Curezone trolls by legna 85 days ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Curezone trolls by legna 85 days ago 59 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Chickens by legna 85 days ago 35 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: who "they" trust by legna 85 days ago 37 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Value by legna 85 days ago 38 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Value by legna 86 days ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 0000 by legna 86 days ago 30 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 0000 by legna 86 days ago 34 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: 0000 by legna 87 days ago 52 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diet Gurus? by legna 88 days ago 109 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: clean water by legna 89 days ago 50 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diet by legna 3 months ago 56 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diet by legna 3 months ago 54 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diet by legna 3 months ago 73 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Herbs by legna 3 months ago 85 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Diet by legna 3 months ago 66 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Pin worms by legna 3 months ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Pin worms by legna 3 months ago 68 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Premature deaths by legna 3 months ago 79 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: trump by legna 3 months ago 85 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: trump by legna 3 months ago 64 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: Rats by legna 3 months ago 40 Ask Barefoot Herbali
Re: whataya think of this?? by legna 3 months ago 69 Ask Barefoot Herbali
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