Day 9 Almost There!!!
Days 7 and 8 were very difficult for me. The is my first cleanse and it has thus far been an interesting and difficult period! Days 3, 7 and 8, have been the worst so far. Day 7 was my weakest point, when I desperately wanted to quit. My mind kept playing tricks on me, thinking of reasons why it was better to end the cleanse than stay on it. Also food cravings were super intense!!!
Now that it is day 9, I am in a very good mood. I woke up at 6:30 to write a paper (it's finals time at ASU) and then went to class at nine. On my way to school I was super energetic and hyper. Althopugh, the hyperness went away after a lecture in Exercise Biochemistry. :) Now I am home, getting ready to take a nap, before another class that I have at 1:40.
Anyway, I feel really good today. I don't know if it is due to the detox or to the idea that I am almost done (I have a 10 day goal)! Just the thought of being able to eat within the next few days gets me really excited and happy. :) Plus it is getting cold here... and I am ultra eager to eat nice warm soup... and chocolate (I'm vulnerable to good chocolate)!
hope everyone else is staying with it! Good Luck to all!
I would love info from other day 9ers! Any complications or noticable benefits?